posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 12:24 PM
I just went to lunch in our small town. As I drove up the hill to the business district, a funeral percussion was coming at me from the other way and
making the turn to the cemetery. I saw all the motorcycles and new it was for the young man we just lost in a motorcycle crash. I didn't know him,
but my husband is good friends with his cousins.
I pulled over, as I ALWAYS do, and sat to wait for them all to go by. I counted 16 cars that past me, before another car pulled in behind me. It was
a very large percussion, I may have been there 6-7 minutes.
Do people not know that it is a sign of respect? Are people just in too big of a hurry these days?
One lady that passed me actually gave me the "what the hell?' hands in the air gesture. I was off to the side of the road, not blocking
It just really mad me mad!