**Note: The following has been edited to exclude web-forum names in respect to ATS.**
" *** " will take place of Forum Name - Any other edits may be made at the discretion of ATS Mods.
Once upon a time, there existed a thread on a popular conspiracy forum known as ***.
In this thread was a link to a Youtube video by User ID: Starskream. This video was created in regards to a possible sighting of Nibiru/The Destroyer
Star on May 26th, 2011.
Typically, even with all evidence provided, I would dismiss this video as no more than your conventional Lens Flare or maybe even a hidden "Sun Dog".
Truly, at no point did I believe this to be an actual celestial object. After the thread was created on June 6th of 2011, and after a few replies were
posted, *** forum Owner and Moderator known as ^Trinity^, chimed in for a response.
*** It is important to note at this time, for coherency, that the *** forum had raised and spent well over $20,000 to fund
what is known as the *** Observatory Project. The project consists of two Meade Coronado Solarmax II Telescopes as well as a 14" Celestron CGE Pro
1400 FASTAR in a newly built observatory in Florida where ^Trinity^ aka (Real Name Here) resides. Images and videos can be found on the *** website.
^Trinity^ posted his response on June 6th of 2011, at 2:18 PM *** time. His post was then was immediately edited by himself two minutes later
at 2:20 PM forum time. Unfortunately, I have no record of what his original response was, only a record of what it is now.
In response to the OP and other doubting forum members, ^Trinity^ replied:
you know normally I would dismiss this as lens flare
I was testing an IR sun cam the other day and saw the exact same thing...
This left me intrigued. A man who has well over $20,000 worth of astronomical observation equipment in his possession is claiming to have seen the
same thing in the video and image above - most importantly, on an IR (Inferred) Sun Camera. The fact that Trinity claimed to have seen the exact same
thing on an IR Sun Cam would completely debunk the typical "lens flare" hypothesis and give this extreme credibility.
After I read this, I had to ask questions. I posted a reply asking if ^Trinity^ could post images of what it was he was talking about, but I
received no response from him. Multiple *** members asked the same questions, that is, if ^Trinity^ could post what he saw. He ignored us.
For the next week or so, I constantly bumped the thread - asking if he would please post what he saw. I still received no response. It was at this
point that I needed answers. I posted a thread entitled "***er Trinity Is Holding Back Images from *** Observatory" - This is when it got
After I posted the thread in which I explained that ^Trinity^ claimed to have seen the above - and that I demanded to see it as well, I
received a few responses.
Unfortunately, I have no proof of the following - but please stay with me.
The responses were as follows:
"Haha - You fell for Trinitys game..."
"*** is a psych-op..."
"This is a dynamite thread"
"Deleted in 3...2...1..."
After these responses, which appeared in less than 2 minutes - the thread was deleted. Completely baffled by what had happened - I went to the
original thread where this all started and wrote about it. I then posted a reply saying that I would start another thread, but this time take pictures
as proof. I did.
Unfortunately, I was at work and un-able to keep up with the picture taking. I was unable to take pictures of the whole thread.
At the end of the thread (before it was deleted) SPUD, a *** moderator, posted a reply admitting to deleting my original post. When I asked why, he
gave a short answer which read "Too obtuse." I asked him what he meant by that and he did not respond. 5 minutes later, the thread was deleted and I
was permanently banned.
This sent me for a loop. I have a strange feeling about all of this. Either ^Trinity^ really saw something and slipped up, or I really did
fall for his "psych-op" of a game.
Take it or leave it - I just felt obligated to supply the information.
edit on 23-6-2011 by walkinglucid because: Format Errors
edit on 23-6-2011 by walkinglucid because: Format
edit on 23-6-2011 by walkinglucid because: Format Error
edit on 23-6-2011 by walkinglucid because: Format
edit on 23-6-2011 by walkinglucid because: Deleted Forum Name
edit on 23-6-2011 by walkinglucid because: Format
Errors (Sorry For All The Edits! First Post!)
I am not going to get into the the object thing but I am intrigued as to why all just disappeared. Seems fishy that you got banned for asking
questions and if the pics were legit I would think that the OP would have been on fire to get them posted. The questions are sure mounting.
So Trinity made one small comment and you bit into it like an angry jack terrier and wouldn't let go. Trinity isn't going to say anything as he
probably doesn't know if it's optical illusion or whatever and doesn't want to proclaim something with his new telescope gear and then have
everyone say LOL and not believe anything when he poasts pictures of Elenin.
Damn guy, do you not understand the nature of conspiracy junkies?
Amazing find OP!! I think this is more proof of our second sun. But it won't be long before all the debunkers will be here dismissing this as a lens
flare, photo shop, or a sun dog.
There's so much evidence out there but this one is the smoking gun IMO.
I really just don't know what to make of it anymore. I have done a lot of reading and it would seem the whole website is simply a data-mine. Who
knows if he was telling the truth or was just "acting". After all, there is a disclaimer on that website that more or less says everything on it is
You're not the only one - my home IP got banned there for no reason. I wasn't a troll. I submitted a request politely explaining that there must
be some sort of mistake, and that same jerkoff replied that the decision stands with NO explanation. Whatever.
As far as your story - i think it's pretty obvious what's going on. The entire sales pitch for the observatory to the users was to try and observe
Comet Elenin. That means the owner has motive to LIE to his users so that they will be baited into donating to the observatory fund. It's a BIG
SCAM - fooling users into contributing to this guys personal hobby fund.
So of course he's going to say he saw something that he didn't really see in order to create an aura of mystery.
It's funny that they ban threads like yours, but they let other people post vulger, racist, comments. ATS is a much better moderated forum.
Originally posted by Zippidee
I am not going to get into the the object thing but I am intrigued as to why all just disappeared. Seems fishy that you got banned for asking
questions and if the pics were legit I would think that the OP would have been on fire to get them posted. The questions are sure mounting.
I dont trust trinity one bit as far as I can tell he likely is working for Travistock GLP is overrun with shills and they bury a lot of news.
Every time people go near this subject, they do a complete 180 shortly afterwards and act really weird.
It's like they *want* people to think there's something to this.
Because if you're going to suddenly get shady (like OldCorp did on here) then people are going to question you.
Isnt it possible he wanted the info to get out but then maybe someone told him to stay quiet? Either way, awesome thread OP. S&F. I've always
kind of been on the fence about Nibiru, but this is interesting.
Look man I'm not bashing you, because I totally believe in "The 12th Planet's" existence, but dude... come on man. If you've really read
everything you could about the planet and everything the Sumerians had written on their tablets, you would know that thousands of more years need to
pass before Nibiru comes into our orbit.
Not to mention the effects the gravity will have on our climate... I'm just saying.
That is how I feel. Someone shut him down after he leaked this.
It is very funny the two main CT sites have so many different rules on what can be discussed. It is starting to sound like a conspiracy when rules are
added to silence communication.
Well, there IS a theory circulating out there that *** is simply a Tavistock experiment - and there is a lot of validity in this claim. Either way -
this whole situation still stinks. I've tried my hardest to get the information out to the *** community, but nobody seems to want help me out on
this one.
I figure if the whole *** community raises the issue, questions will be answered. I have tried posting this from multiple computers - even the
library. But it seems that they have banned most of the terms in the post - my name "Walking Lucid" and certain phrases and what have yous. If
anyone could find a way to get this on the *** site - I would greatly appreciate it. ATS is now my home - and I never plan on returning to that place
for news again.
Originally posted by chrismicha77
Amazing find OP!! I think this is more proof of our second sun. But it won't be long before all the debunkers will be here dismissing this as a lens
flare, photo shop, or a sun dog.
There's so much evidence out there but this one is the smoking gun IMO.
As of late, Trinity has been claiming that "Secret Service Agents" and "MIB" have been threatening him in an attempt to have him remove the website.
What a sham. I don't believe anything I read on his web-site. I am now almost completely convinced that there is nothing to see here. This was
simply an attempt made by Trinity to carry out the disclaimer (and thus, purpose) of his website - that is:
Not all posts on this website are intended as truthful or factual
assertion by their authors. Some users of this website are participating in internet role playing, with or without the use of an avatar. NO post on
this website should be considered factual information on face value alone.
Of course, there is always the possibility that Trinity's claims are factual. I will never know, and thus declare this a dead issue.
Thanks for reading!
edit on 5-7-2011 by walkinglucid because: (no reason given)
OK, something is going on near the sun. Too many people are seeing something. Now to what this "something" I do not have any idea. I have not yet
see any pictures or video that I would feel OK calling proof of anything.. Too many questions and not enough answers. Too many things just do not add
up or or fit. This could be anything. I am wondering if this will all stop and go away as suddenly as it started and we never find out what the real
story was behind it all. That seems to happen more and more often now days.