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White House Executive Order on Rural Council - Agenda 21

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posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 09:56 AM

White House Executive Order on Rural Council - Agenda 21

On June 9, 2011, few people paid attention to the Executive Order establishing the White House Rural Council.

This piece of legislation from the Oval Office establishes unchecked federal control into rural America in education, food supply, land use, water use, recreation, property, energy, and the lives of 16% of the U.S. population

Local governments will no longer be able to set policies without feds approval.

Agenda 21 is the program of One World Government to de-grow our economy by
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 09:56 AM
It's coming people, please don't hesitate to click on the "Additionial News Links".

I firmly believe that it's rural areas that have the most power, that's where alot of grassroots movement sometimes start and grow, so it's not hard for me to believe that Agenda 21 is THE ultimate project for a one world govt.

From the Federal Reserve buying up foreign assets, to the Echelon, to puppet govts, to the Amero and finally to Agenda 21.

It's all for one thing, a one world govt.

Congress of International Relations — The New World Order: Reconfiguring “Scenarios”, “Settings”, or “the stage”

They are winning, we are losing!
Something MUST be done!!
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 10:01 AM
Here's a bump.

I want to see more.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 10:18 AM
Im glad this thread is picking up steam...

I actually DID post this on the 14th, and I guess the persons video title threw people off from it, and just dismissed it... but here is my threadfrom the 14th


posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by butcherguy

Here you go:

Transformational Education - Preparing Our Children for Global Citizenship
Masdar City: 'One day, all cities will be built like this...'
Maurice Strong on climate 'conspiracy', Bilberberg and population control
Monsanto, Agenda 21 and the 'Terminator Gene'

Just check out some of the links and vids in those threads

This was an issue I followed closely about a year ago. It seems to go stagnant for a while and I was beginning to wonder if the wheels were ever going to actually start rolling, well now it seems they have.

As with most things of this nature this needs to be stopped in it's tracks now before it builds momentum.

Spread the news people.
edit on 23/6/2011 by LiveForever8 because: spelling

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 12:12 PM
Correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't agenda 21 also promote depopulation of the earth?

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 12:18 PM
I saw the same thing on The Blaze, but failed to get it here sooner.
S+F for picking up the slack.

You know, it's the quiet things, the things that don't get headlines that scare the snot out of me.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by butcherguy

There is a Thread Here from the 14th.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 12:52 PM
Thanks to BH and liveforever8 for the links.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:29 PM
To be honest at this point there really is nothing left to say. I am not going to post some chest-beating "let's go kick their ass" post because it will not happen. I am not going to say "that will never happen" because on our current path it will in this decade. All that is left for me to say is that I weep for myself, for my future children, for my friends and family, for all the unsuspecting idiots who willingly sacrifice their privacy. At any other time in history do you think people would have opted to be part of a large government-corporate tracking database? Even 100 years ago that would have seemed too radical to even be possible and such things as this would have caused an extremely large public reaction.

But with all these public databases, body/eye scanners, TSA grope-downs, warrantless wire-taps, internet tracking, location tracking with cell phones, arrests for making/selling real milk, and never ending globalization this world has in just 15 years went from the most free in our history to absolute enslavement. And it is done in a way that no actual statistics can report the loss of freedom so they can lie about everything so as to bend reality and make it seem like we are truly free.

There is nothing free about being a person who is identified as a number by their government, groped at their tax-payer funded airports, and soon to be scanned everywhere they go. What I found must horrible was this:

When you get masses of people opting-in, opting out does not help. Opting out actually puts more of a flag on you than just being part of the system. We believe everyone will opt-in.


So everyone will be pressured to 'opt'-in because by 'opt'-ing out you will necessarily become a suspected threat to society.

Now they are also trying to take control over the only part of our country that pushes back against the forces of globalization, centralization, welfarism, and the nanny-state to make them as submissive and controlled as their sheep which are found in the cities. I have always lived in a pretty rural area and always will, if they think they can come out here to rural North Florida and tell these people what to do I say good luck to them. We'll need a few truckloads of body bags.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 07:53 PM
The federal government must be neutralized, now!

Americans need to figure out a way to FUND A PASSIVE RESISTANCE MOVEMENT.

The blueprints for this type of movement are available.


edit on 23-6-2011 by seasoul because: F.T.G.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 08:23 PM
And my favorite quote:

Rather than fight the advent of biometrics, I’d rather focus on controlling how such data is used. We can pressure governments to insure that people are not unjustly placed on watch-lists. We can require businesses to divorce our identities from collected data to make advertisements anonymous even as they are personalized. We can limit who can use these technologies, and how, even as we accept that they will be widely adopted in the future. Now is the time, as the first cities test the feasibility of biometric ID systems, to ensure that they will be used to benefit rather than restrict the individual.

The writer ACTUALLY BELIEVES this!

We can pressure Government...We can require Businesses...We can Limit...

WE can do nothing to stop this so what makes anyone think that WE can dictate how it is used?

Absolutely delusional and I would venture to say that this is a paid advertisement from a friendly neighborhood Homeland Security office near you and fully supported by the nice folks of the TSA.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by seasoul

The federal government must be neutralized, now! Americans need to figure out a way to FUND A PASSIVE RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. The blueprints for this type of movement are available. But the question is, how can we CREATE PAYING JOBS FOR NON-VIOLENT RESISTORS?

Indeed that is the question. However, as more and more fall to the unemployment machine, the resistance will grow naturally. There will be nothing else left for us to do...

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 11:42 PM
I posted once here on ATS about rural farmers in Texas - they have been under pressure for years already.

It was a practice left over from the great depression - at the edges & corners of cotton fields, farmers would plant food crops. At harvest time, when they took all they could can/freeze for their own family, neighbors & friends could come take all they wanted. Every early fall I remember going to pick black-eyed peas in particular, and shelling them with my grandmother.

Farmers were warned a few years back that this practice was now illegal, was considered an attempt to compete with California farmers, and only CA farmers are allowed to grow black-eyed peas. They were told that any person who had federal crop insurance (farmers can't survive without it these days) could not grow black-eyed peas EVEN FOR PERSONAL USE and would lose their insurance if they were caught doing it.

It wasn't just black-eyed peas that were covered - I just heard a lot about this particular one from my grandmother, who is still mad about it. I'm mad, too, because of the government intervention into private life.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by Schkeptick

How free do you feel, in with a government that makes sharing of seeds illegal?

Im with you

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 11:56 AM
Unnecessary totalitarianism!

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 02:04 PM
Hello America.

Well, essentially, here is what I recommend.

First, it is folly to reject borders of states. Yes, part of me can argue all day that the state borders are corporate claims from horrible power hungry entities like the Hudson Bay investors and the Massachusetts Claim investors and the Virginia Company and their boards and shareholders, etc, etc, --all of that is for naught.

We have to accept the state borders (within the CONUS I mean) as quaint affectations. We shall NEVER EVER make them into trenches or "berlin walls". To do so is to inviolate the spirit of the Obelisk, our "totem pole" if you will, and the man who gazes at it, Abe Lincoln. The legacy of Thutmosis IV, and of the Ahmose 18th Dynasty power (that of most wise chief) is one of peace, as in the way of Deganawida, the Great Peacemaker of America.

Again I will beat this drum about borders. Consider that the Mass. Colony claim (Plymouth Claim) and the London (later Virginia Company of London) Colony claim both had overlapping borders, so in the border between the two, was meant to be fluid, and the rule was a minimal distance between their two colonies (in the buffer zone as per pages U-8 and U-9 of the Hammond World Atlas dated 1988) would be not within 100 miles of the other. ...With the natives caught up in between of course.

So, 1600 = Birth of Dutch East India
and 1606 = Birth of two against one war on Natives of America. (picture a WWF tag team where both tag team dudes wail on one lone dude cause his buddy got bushwhacked and is rolling around ringside. 'Ecpt there was no buddie, so it's more like a regular match where one wrestler's friend is there at the microphone intro speech part and then before or during the match, the one guys buddy assists in the bushwhack, end result is the same TWO AGAINST ONE.

Therefore, am I describing the buffer zone of 1606 between parallels degree 38 and 41. The degree just north of this buffer zone, called 42nd degree, is the key magical ley line of the United States. This 42nd degree, also is shared by such great cities as Rome, Crescent City, Yreka, Chicago, Detroit, Woonsocket, Grozny, Vladivastok... Some of the most powerful and great cities known to man.

I would talk more about the 42nd parallel but I have said too much already. So therefore if you wish to prepare for the future discussion, you should know:

1: Which cities the 42nd parallel travels through (it is a magical ley line)
2: Which US counties have a border on this ley line called 42nd parallel (those counties form a string or a chain, the most important collation of people in the Unite States.)
3: Which indian tribes roamed those counties, respectively (In the pre-colonial US days I mean, the days of Deganawida and White Buffalo Calf Woman)

The obelisk of Thutmosis IV is on the 42nd parallel. Also, the town of Plymouth is quite close, and north of there, the town of Quincy, once home to a great maypole, celebrated by true and free Americans, and chopped down by Puritan jerks. So you see, freedom is easy to feel, and easy to recognize, as is fascism. In any language, one can tell freedom from fascism. So really, no words are necessary. And if your argument requires words, well, the future will find that quite obtuse, and boring.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 03:17 PM

If you want to know what the problem in this I.P. conspiracy conflict, and the Obama/Bush power play going on, then consider this page from Wikipedia. I will quote simply the "Fair Use Laws" here...


Oil painting "Tragic Prelude" (1938-40) by John Steuart Curry (1897-1946).

Fair use rationale in John Steuart Curry:

1. This is a significant work that could not be conveyed in words.
2. There is no alternative, public domain or free-copyrighted replacement available.
3. Inclusion is for information, education and analysis only.
4. Its inclusion in the article(s) adds significantly to the article(s) because it shows the subject, or the work of the subject, of the article(s).
5. The image is a low resolution copy of the original work of such low quality that it would be unlikely to impact sales of the work.

Fair use rationale in Bleeding Kansas:

1. This is a significant work that could not be conveyed in words.
2. There is no alternative, public domain or free-copyrighted replacement available.
3. Inclusion is for information, education and analysis only.
4. Its inclusion in the article(s) adds significantly to the article(s) because it shows the subject, or the work of the subject, of the article(s).
5. The image is a low resolution copy of the original work of such low quality that it would be unlikely to impact sales of the work.

Fair use rationale in Social Realism:

1. This is a significant work that could not be conveyed in words.
2. There is no alternative, public domain or free-copyrighted replacement available.
3. Inclusion is for information, education and analysis only.
4. Its inclusion in the article(s) adds significantly to the article(s) because it shows the subject, or the work of the subject, of the article(s).
5. The image is a low resolution copy of the original work of such low quality that it would be unlikely to impact sales of the work.

Fair use rationale in John Brown (abolitionist):

1. This is a significant work that could not be conveyed in words.
2. There is no alternative, public domain or free-copyrighted replacement available.
3. Inclusion is for information, education and analysis only.
4. Its inclusion in the article(s) adds significantly to the article(s) because it shows the subject, or the work of the subject, of the article(s).
5. The image is a low resolution copy of the original work of such low quality that it would be unlikely to impact sales of the work.

Although this photo is of a panorama taken in a public space (the Kansas State Capitol), it does not appear that Freedom of Panorama applies.

Now what is this all a justification of?

The use of a gad damned PAINTING, on Wikipedia. You have to defend even showing a damn painting! A masterpiece of the prelude to the US civil war, and the Lawyer-pedia society has corraled us all into prefacing even the slightest most obvious act (posting historical art) with a long legal disclaimer!

Goodbye America, sawn in half with the blade of talmud, it matters not which lumberjacks of sagedom are manning the blade, for the line cuts right through every court, right down each parallel inside the USA, but originating from the 42nd, where Rome lies.

Rome loves court. Remember how they dig up bodies and roll them out to praise or condemn them? Rome is sick, America can be considered healthy in relation to how fully it rejects the Rome power and instead seizes the aviary power of the Egyptians and the Native Americans. State of Jefferson? State of Deganawida. Same thing. No legal disclaimer needed. ...Yet. For the judges of the US are beholden either to A: Rome, B: anti-Rome (jacobian white brotherhood aka Scots Rite) in the main dialectic. Then there is the "Illuminated" third way of total freedom, which can be said to be the Native rejection of material. for both Pope and Luther crave "things" but the third way that opposes both of them, rejects "things" as being more important than life.

So the "thing" of historical paintings, is more important than the "money" which derives from ownership of the thing. I would preface my post with a long disclaimer, but thank God ATS is superior to Wikipedia, and doesn't require that yet.

But please do preserve my posts, because they are on topic. All your old solutions are toast, time to roll the real world up and forget about BushCo(up) > Clinton > BHO power chains. Drop them, stop caring, completely ignore them, and begin discussing true history with your family and friends. There will be two roads forward, and one road will simply wither and blow away like a dried up husk while the new road I am describing, is simply the old road, reborn. If you hear my words, then use Internet Protocol for good, and for truth. Because it's a nascent thing, somewhat like the era of Thomas Jefferson. Thank ye Gods that Jefferson had the original nations of America and the legend of the Great Peacemaker, upon which to draw/steal from.

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