posted on Mar, 31 2003 @ 09:49 AM
man i just read the main post on this subject, you know, the 3 page reply come that post wont let u post any new replies? anyway. that
reply from the refugee who was 'threatened' w/ the copy & paste U2U was crazy...the U2U was SO condescending and rude. i really hope it WAS fake and
that thomas crowne is not really like that. i sent thomas crowne a U2U regarding the 'refugees' last week and he was nice to me in his
reply.......but there IS something wrong going on in's fishy....
also, it that particular 'refugees' posts, he kept typing certain letters in his words that did not belong there, i wrote them all down, but it
didnt spell out any secret message (i think)....unless it was a jumble secret message....HAHAHA.....but tit was weird, it wasnt like they were regular
typoes, he would insert extra letters every 3 or 4 words, even between double letters, like 'message' he put 'mesesage'....... anyway if the point
of this site was to turn knowledgable one's into skeptics, it has not worked on ME.....
in this case guys, we must look at one's intentions and not their direct actions or words. once we find their intentions we can figure out whats
really going on. what did the 'refugee' have to lose? what did thomas crowne have to lose? who's intentions are good and whose are bad?