posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by 13star
This is how it happened for me. Other people's experience may differ.
It started with sleep paralysis. I had that for much of my childhood. I didn't even have a name for it until much later, in the age of the internet.
However, I did learn that I could control my sleep paralysis by moving any significant or insignificant part of my body. That is what broke the
sleep paralysis.
I then graduated to lucid dreaming. Part of learning to recognize sleep paralysis is that you know that the experience isn't what we know as "real"
aka the physical human experience. I wholeheartedly believe that my learning how to recognize what we know as sleep paralysis led me to lucid
dreaming. I eventually learned that I was experiencing something that wasn't "real". By learning that, I then learned to alter my dreams to the
point that I knew that I was dreaming.
I actually APed before OBEing. The APing was very scary to me because it happened to me for the first time in a state where I believe I was extremely
vulnerable. I don't like to talk about that. But I was totally subconsciously APing. I will say that I cannot consciously/knowingly AP. I don't
pick a site or time period and then visit it. It just kind of happen. I cannot control my astral projections.
The last thing for me was the OBE. I was so scared because of the buzzing vibrations, whoosing sounds, and the velcro separation mechanism. I really
thought I was dying or had major health problems, on top of my "sleeping problems." I would always come to my conscious mind due to my ability to
control the SP and LD, I'm certain. At this point I had fought against OBE for years. I won't share much here but I will say that I was
subconsciously coached in my very first diehard OBE.
Now I just let what will be take place. I am not afraid and I no longer lose sleep fighting unfamiliar feelings.
Eta, it happens because IMO your pineal gland is NOT calcified. Your brain chooses to not "sleep" in this process because serotonin/melatonin are
powerful substances. To a calcified or unchallenged pineal gland, these people would just sleep through it. That is JMO.
edit on 21-6-2011 by
cry93 because: (no reason given)
edit on 21-6-2011 by cry93 because: (no reason given)
edit on 21-6-2011 by cry93
because: (no reason given)