Ok so I know most poster on ATS like well written, spaced out threads. This will not be one of those. This is a rant in its purest form. I'm just
going to start typing and stop when I run out of things to say. Please leave any responses whether they be in agreement or criticism. I welcome
both. So here goes my rant:
I know the majority of people in this world revolve their lives around money, and up until the last year or so I've been the same way. I busted my
butt in college so that I could get a good paying job. I currently work 40+ hours a week at a job I don't like so that I can have as much money as
possible. Money runs this world, most here on ATS know that. I think that it has single handedly screwed up our entire human culture. What is
money? It's a fake representation of personal accomplishment. People slave their whole lives away for piece of paper and coins?! That, when you
step back and look at it from a different perspective, is laughable. People care SOOOOO much about money. But why? Because we're forced to from the
second we are born on to this planet. It is instantly taught to us as children that it is the single most important thing on earth that we can gauge
our success in life by. It's more important than personal happiness/well being, global happiness and well being, the well being or our beautiful
mother earth, and so on and so on. We are brought up to center our lives around money. It enslaves us everyday of the year, and coming to this
realization 24 year into my life is a bit of hard pill to swallow. I've srugggled with depression on and off my whole life, until one day i finally
realized that all this stuff i worry about (money, looks, popularity and other superficial things) really don't matter! I know that is cliche to say
but they are the most true words I could ever speak. They DO NOT matter. What matters is being happy with yourself and making sure the people around
you are happy (I believe we have a social responsibility to make others happy, the capabilities of the human mind to create a good world are what
truly separates us from the animals. We have the capability as humans to put our minds towards improving so much here on earth. But we waste our
minds and lives on nothing. My mind was not created so that I could come up with innovative ways to sell printing software (my job). It was created
so that I could further the collective human knowledge base. Another amazing thing about the human brain is our ability to pass ideas on to others.
If one person has a brilliant idea or invention, once that idea exists, everyone else has the capability of understand it and building off it. But
instead people waste their beautiful minds on pointless jobs to make money. These jobs DO NO matter.
What matters is putting off good vibes so that they positively affect others. Money does nothing but get in the way of these good vibes. Money
stresses people out (which can lead to depression, anxiety and a slew of heart and brain conditions), it makes people turn to crime for either a lack
or or an excess of (ever notice how the majority of crimes are done by either people with little to no money or people that are so rich they are
willing to do whatever it takes to stay that way. You don't see the middle class committing many robberies or tax evasions do you? Also, why do you
think so many drug addicts are either poor people or rich people? Drugs numb the pain of having no money or numb the isolation of having too much.).
But if people ever stopped and realized that it DOESN'T really matter then maybe not all of the bad things would happen to these people. Money was
not around when people were first walking this earth. We were not naturally designed to put up with the stresses of money day in and day out. So
when people get so worked up over money that it leads them to making poor decisions, I can't help but think those people would have never been that
way if money was out of the picture. It changes people, and it's not fair to them because I'm sure the majority of them have never looked at money
from this perspective. They don't understand that it changes them from who the naturally should be. Now one thing I have to say is I understand how
essential money is in our current society, but that just makes me hate it even more. There's no way to get rid of it. Ever. We as a people will be
bound to this form of financial slavery until something so drastic happens that everyone stops either using it or caring about. And the odds of that
ever happening are slim to none. We as a people have become so obsessed over something fake (aka not natural to this earth) that it almost creeps me
out. I can't help but shake my head now when I see one of my friends freaking out over a simple monetary issue because to me it's a non issue. Sure
I work, make money and pay my bills but I do it because I have to not because I want to. This brings me to another thing.
Money makes us get jobs. Most people don't like their job. Most people don't want to get up at 7am every weekday to go do a job they secretly don't
care about. Because of money, I used to hate mondays-thursdays. How absurd is that??? In all reality a tuesday is no different than a saturday, we
just have different names for them for our calendar. But because of money I hate tuesdays and love saturdays, and I know the majority of working
people would agree. How stupid is that?? Money makes me hate certain days of my life. Or at least it did. I now love every day like its my last.
My goal in life has nothing to do with money. It is to be a good person and set a good example for younger generations. To spread my good vibrations
over every piece of land I travel too. If everyone lived by this mantra I feel the world would be so different, in a good way obviously. It could
even be the same society we were in now. But if everyone realized what money actually is (a tool to enslave the masses), then everyone would stop
wasting their lives with all its terrible side affects. It wouldn't change people into criminals, it wouldn't stress people out, it wouldn't make
people hate monday-thursday, etc etc. Realize what money REALLY IS (fake) and your life will be so much better! I am the happiest I've ever been and
I'm learning new things about myself everyday. I hate money and I am proud to say that. Thank you for everyone that read all the way down to here
Love life and spread your good vibes all the time!!
edit on 21-6-2011 by seberhar because: (no reason given)
edit on 21-6-2011
by seberhar because: (no reason given)