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Red-Light Camera Owner Gives City of Houston Ultimatum

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posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 01:54 PM

Red-Light Camera Owner Gives City of Houston Ultimatum

HOUSTON -- The company that owns the red light cameras in Houston has given the city an ultimatum: Turn the cameras back on and begin issuing tickets again or face back bills of more than $20 million
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 01:54 PM
I remember that Texas originally starting using cameras in the 60's to catch unsuspecting drivers. Once the word was out, most of them were shot off their mounts. I'm a little surprised that hasn't been the case lately all across the country. Myself, I could understand monitoring major pedestrian traffic areas like in a downtown metroplex, but the governing bodies will continue to figure out how to license, tax, surcharge, fee & fine our butts until they syphon the last ounce of life from every nickle we have unless they remember they remember the meaning of constitutional compliance.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 01:55 PM
And sorry if this has already been posted. Scanned but didn't see it.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 02:00 PM
Houston held hostage at the point
of a camera. so sad.

so I guess now we know why
the judge over-ruled the vote
on the ballot to get rid of them.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 02:00 PM
Well said and very interesting read.

S+F for you.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 02:04 PM
Most everyone here at ATS knows I moved to Kansas...
when I left Albuquerque May of 2010 I sold my big conversion van to a neighbour...

well she ran through a red light cam in Oct of 2010
as it happens on the very same day I had a doctors appt here a thousand miles away...
guess with the cops told me???

because I was the last officially registered owner I was required to pay that red light cam ticket... despite my proof of being three states away at the time...

yeah I'm still fighting it...

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:45 PM
We just got red light cameras in our city. In the first two months they issued over 3000 tickets at $158 each. That comes out to $474,000 that will not be spent in the community supporting local businesses, or used to help families pay their bills.

As a result of the red light cameras people are going through the intersections slower, that is, until the light turns yellow, then it's pedal to the metal to make sure you are out of the intersection before the red light comes on and it snaps your picture. More and more people are getting tickets because the people in front of them hesitate to go through the intersection, trapping the people behind them in the intersection while the light turns red.

I just hope the people kick these elected officials who approved this to the the curb the first chance they get.
The last thing local government needs is more of our money and more control over our lives.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:50 PM
Does any know what the name of the Camera company is?

I do, its: American Traffic Solutions or ATS !!
dun dun duuuuuuuuun!!!!

I live in Houston so Ive been hearing about this on the news alot lately. I was passing through my living room when I heard a news broadcaster say "The public is very upset with ATS."

It made me do a double take.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by DaddyBare

Won't do you any good. I fought one here in Tallahassee, because I hoped if enough people fought them, maybe they would go away. Before the hearing even started, the judge issued several directives. She said, "If you plan to fight this ticket on the basis that you were not driving, or that the burden of proof is on the municipality, then you will lose and be responsible for additional fines and costs. The statute is written in such a way that the registered owner of the vehicle is responsible for the ticket."

So, stupid me, we went up there anyway, we #1 that the photo was inconclusive, the front bumper appears to be across the white line at the time of the picture. #2 that my wife (registered owner) was on her way to Missouri at the time of the ticket. #3 at least 8 people had access to the keys at the time of the ticket and it was impossible for my wife to know who was driving, #4 the statute is unconstitutional, because is provides a penalty for exercising our rights and taking the ticket to court and fighting it. (The fee is $140 if you pay it within 30 days, $272 if you wait and then pay it, and $272 plus costs if you go to court and lose.)

So, after saying our spiel, her words were, "the courts directives have already been laid out for you. You can plead nolo contendere at this time and I will waive points and fees, or I can find in favor of the city and you will be responsible for close to $500 in fines and fees. Those are your choices."

So, we plead nolo contendere, paid $272 and went home.

Now, we have the protective shields over the license plates that blur out the numbers unless you are straight on.

The courts do not care about the constitution and laws. Florida just enacted a 3% tax to all state employees. It was supposed to be our contribution to our retirement, but in fact it goes into the regular state operating budget!! That makes it an income tax, and it violates the State Constitution! Our legislators and Governor seem to have forgotten to read our constitution?

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:55 PM
I experienced an incident where through my own error, ran a redlight... No cars were coming, just cruised through it at about 10 miles per hour while distracted.

Looking back in the rear view mirror I could see what looked like traffic cams or red light cams. I thought for sure I would get a ticket.

Then after worrying for awhile I researched the cameras and discovered that West Virginia voted not to use them as traffic enforcement. Phew!

Maybe we aren't such a backwards state afterall... Not.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I do have two things in my favor...
1) the tag expired two months before she got the ticket...
2) I'm demanding if I am to be held liable that the court issue a stolen vehicle report... listing the ladies name and address... so if she doesnt want to go to jail she'll just have to fess up and admit it was her bad...

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