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Real Gore and Murder Videos! What Is Wrong With People?!?!?!

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posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 09:17 PM
Horror films are boot camp for the psyche. In real life, human beings are packaged in the flimsiest of packages, threatened by real and sometimes horrifying dangers, even events like columbine, but the narrative form puts these fears into a manageable series of events. It gives us a way of thinking rationally about our fears. -Wes Craven

Watch the documentary called SNUFF its on netflix

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 09:22 PM
Yeah I was shown the Nick Berg video myself by a friend at his house, horrific and couldn't get it out of my mind for a while after that (still can remember details even now).

When I got the internet for myself, I looked up the site it was on (American shock site) to see other videos out of curiosity. I wanted to see things like that just because I know I'd never get to first hand myself. Guy cutting the end of his own finger off with a hammer and chisel? Yep. Saddam Hussein's hanging execution? Saw that. Downed US helicopter pilot surviving a crash only to be gunned down by Afghans with AK-47s when he asked for help?

I'd like to see the video mentioned in the OP, have since I first heard about it on ATS not for some sick pleasure but because I've never seen that kind of thing before. I honestly believe that while not everyone should see it, videos that exist of criminals over the years help with evidence gathering in particular cases.

I can't even imagine the horrors that forensic analysts have to see, especially video and picture evidence of pedophiles. It's almost like I justified the things I've seen on the internet in my youth by thinking it's like I'm taking the same chilling and cold blooded feeling as those in the armed services and police force who have to see this kind of thing on a regular basis. I don't envy them at all.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Because desensitization contributes greatly to a society that has a harder and harder time knowing what intimacy is let alone being able to achieve it. Then there's stuff like increased teen pregnancies and a whole plethora of STDs.


People being afraid to give in to natural urges causes STD's because then it is unplanned. Two people can tell themselves all they want that nothing is going to happen, but add some Boyz II Men, Usher, red wine and the heat of the moment, and oops!

However, the people who planned for it.. well, they had condoms.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by clintdelicious

I've watched afew of those too.....shocking and a real eye opener almost enough to put you off red meat

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Vandalour
its in the human nature to be facinated by death and gore, sad but true
why you ask ? HUMAN CURIOSITY thats why

Thats why we walked the moon, and thats why we invent new stuff, and why we cant help look even when we know its disgusting.

voice of reason. i dont think its bad karma to have a morbid curiosity with theses things. i watched some of the vidoe but def stop at a certin point. that video gave me chills to think that these kids felt nothing at all when they did this. not to meniton that was a homeless guy in the video im pretty sure. good things are interesting and vile disgusting morbid and sad things are interesting as well. what creeped me out even more is some one posted a typed out transscription of what the two kids are saying and whats going on in the commecnt section of the web sight i saw it on.creepy #.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 02:38 AM
I wonder how many of you googled it and found the video
I did

Most of you don't mention...

So how bad was it? I've seen worse in cgi form - it only becomes a moral issue when you know its real

So ok this is real - its not like I didn't know this kind of thing happens - and I already owned my morbid curiosity

and yeah, of course they're psychopaths, they killed people, and keeping a momento is typical serial killer behavior

I wonder though, would we even know about it if they hadn't?
Kinda a good thing they did then yeah? from what I read it seems like a key piece of evidence
and if the video had never been leaked, it might have been hidden from the general public forever

if you think about it that way, the OP is also at fault for bringing this to my attention
I never heard of it till today
Luckily, I'm so corrupted by whats internet mainstream, it had little affect on me.
But I was innocent once - I can see the scarring for others

For those who see it (through your own actions or accidentally) and didn't want to see it
My sympathy ♥

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 07:53 AM
I find it shocking. Not so much the content, but the fact.

We have a tool at our disposal which can literally give us access to every single piece of information in existence. We can keep track of our leaders, our banks and our governments. We can teach ourselves new skills, learn a trade, get a degree or learn how to build an aeronautical craft from household items. There is literally NOTHING we cannot do.

And how do people use this great and wonderful, fantastical tool which allows to share and exchange data, philosophies and ideas with people all over the world? Rather than doing something productive, they share this sort of stuff.

If I were an alien browsing the net to find out more about humanity, I'd keep away.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Because desensitization contributes greatly to a society that has a harder and harder time knowing what intimacy is let alone being able to achieve it.

Lack of intimacy? Something of that nature is personal and has nothing to do with "desensitization." It really depends on the person, and "superficial is as superficial does."

Then there's stuff like increased teen pregnancies

Actually, desensitization has nothing to do with increased teen pregnancy. My high school graduation year was 2004, and I remember very clearly why girls in my school got pregnant.

When I was a teenager, I personally ignored all of the abstinence talks. When my parents told me I was not allowed to have sex, and that I had to abstain, I had to ninja my way around to actually have sex. So because of the nature of sneaking around, it was difficult not to get caught in the act, so my partners and I were not really worried about using protection.

And that's the reason why more teenageers get pregnant. They have to sneak around, and because of that, they don't really care if they're using protection or not.

and a whole plethora of STDs.

It doesn't take a genius to protect themselves from STDs, and even before the media was supposedly shoving sex down our throats...human beings were STILL SPREADING THEM.

I wonder why that is? Probably because humans enjoy sexual activity.

You've never heard of the European libertines, or Roman orgies have you? Or maybe you could look up the Marquis De Sade and read about his sexual exploits that took place long before the "desensitization" of people to sex.

Our ancestors make us look like prudes. In reality, our age is extremely conservative compared to past generations.

People are only afraid of something like the "desensitization" of people to sex when they believe that sex is evil.

Sex is not evil.

Ultimately, and I speak from experience, that kind of "freedom" proves itself pretty shallow and fraught with emotional and societal ails.

Exactly what freedom are you reffering to?

edit on 6/22/2011 by dalan. because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 01:41 PM
What has been seen cannot be UN careful what you choose to view. What really disturbs me, is the fact that young kids are seeing it. There is a video of a youmg boy of maybe 9, filming his reaction to watching it .....and he started to cry and he was gagging and almost threw could see in his eyes it was doing something to him.....and I swear I started to cry, because this is so BRUTAL, and kids are seeing's NO video game, it's NOT a movie.... from what I read, and heard on youtube,it is a video of a man being savagely murdered and tortured. I didn't watch the video, and I can't. I just watched other people's reaction to it on youtube (and heard the sounds). The killers were laughing about it the whole time..... This is the sick GARBAGE kids are seeing now, and I have to wonder what it means for the future. Things such as this affect the psyche, whether people admit it or not. This is not entertainment....the poor man was riding his bike to visit his GRAND DAUGHTER when these evil bastards knocked him down and drug him into the woods. This was not the only murder....these psychos murdered 21 others by the way..... If you don't think evil exists....think again. For the people who say "Parents should be responsible for what thier kids see"....I say BS!!! Kids can see this a friends house...anywhere. Parents are not with kids 24/7.......all a kid has to do is go on youtube, and there are MANY videos of people watching it, complete with the sounds of the poor man moaning, with the link to the video for anyone to click......that is where I heard the description and heard the sound.........I don't know what could be done about it....I'm just letting off steam.....but I'm really disturbed by this, from audio only. What must it do to a 9 year old SEEING it? Have we really sunk this low as to accept that it's ok to broadcast the torturous murder of someone's grandfather...and it's ok to put it out there for "entertainment"??? I'm not for censorship, but this is where I draw the line....shouldn't we draw the line SOMEWHERE?
edit on 6/22/2011 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by spoonbender
To watch such things
is known as Bad Karmic Imprintation
its not good

u just made that up..

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by dalan.
reply to post by The GUT

Lack of intimacy? Something of that nature is personal and has nothing to do with "desensitization." It really depends on the person, and "superficial is as superficial does."

Wow...I've seldom come across a statement so devoid of meaning as to be a prime example of hyperbole, rhetoric, and double-speak...except for your next statement that proffers your experience as some kind of measuring stick that addresses the problem of teen pregnancy:

Actually, desensitization has nothing to do with increased teen pregnancy. My high school graduation year was 2004, and I remember very clearly why girls in my school got pregnant.

When I was a teenager, I personally ignored all of the abstinence talks. When my parents told me I was not allowed to have sex, and that I had to abstain, I had to ninja my way around to actually have sex. So because of the nature of sneaking around, it was difficult not to get caught in the act, so my partners and I were not really worried about using protection.

You don't come across as overly bright in that your arguments are weak and off point. We'll just leave off here with this statement that, like the others, makes NO sense whatsoever:

And that's the reason why more teenageers get pregnant. They have to sneak around, and because of that, they don't really care if they're using protection or not.

edit on 22-6-2011 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 11:03 AM
Originally posted by The GUT
Originally posted by dalan.
reply to post by The GUT

Wow...I've seldom come across a statement so devoid of meaning as to be a prime example of hyperbole, rhetoric, and double-speak

Honestly, is that the best you can do? You clearly stated that you believe that the desensitization of people to sex has caused a lack of intimacy. I merely pointed out that intimicay is something personal, and if a person isn't feeling it, its probably because they were superficial to begin with.

Nice ad hominem though.

I've never come across a mind so devoid of thought as to be a prime example deflection.

except for your next statement that proffers your experience as some kind of measuring stick that addresses the problem of teen pregnancy:

Nice job side-stepping everyting I typed.

You don't come across as overly bright in that your arguments are weak and off point. We'll just leave off here with this statement that, like the others, makes NO sense whatsoever:

You don't really come across as overly bright slinging ad hominems around either. You haven't attacked any of my arguments, only me. My argument was perfectly valid. You claimed that the desensitization of people in regards to sex was to blame for the increase in teen pregnancy. I disagreed with you, and pointed out the fact that teenagers sneaking around to have sex is what causes teen pregnancy. When you sneak around, you're not really worried about wearing protection.

The fallacy comes from blind adults who believe they can somehow stop teenagers from having sex. Its a failing of morons.

What I am basically getting at, is that everything you blamed on desensitization was a prime example of straw grasping.

I've had more stimulating converstaions with down syndrome patients.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by dalan.
Originally posted by The GUT
Originally posted by dalan.
reply to post by The GUT

Wow...I've seldom come across a statement so devoid of meaning as to be a prime example of hyperbole, rhetoric, and double-speak

Honestly, is that the best you can do? You clearly stated that you believe that the desensitization of people to sex has caused a lack of intimacy. I merely pointed out that intimicay is something personal, and if a person isn't feeling it, its probably because they were superficial to begin with.

Intimacy is what two people achieve--not how "deeply" one side of the bargain feels about the notch they're about to put on their belt.

But the topic here is desensitization as regards public displays of violence. I briefly pointed out that I felt that not only was it a problem but one that I felt shared commonalities with the sexualization of our youth through the same channels.

I chose to retire from "gunslinging" and I would have to say sated and with curiosities satisfied. Looking back--it wasn't worth it and I see a lot of wreckage that got traded around. In my experience desensitization was a major player in my inability to comprehend any real concept of intimacy.

I'm taking it that you're not the kind of person to look at yourself and your actions in that kind of way--deeply that is. And you don't agree with me here. I'm more than fine with both of those observations.

If you want to start a thread on this off-shoot topic, I promise I'll show up and debate at length.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Intimacy is what two people achieve--not how "deeply" one side of the bargain feels about the notch they're about to put on their belt.

Indeed, and that was my point, which is why I said that intimicy is something personal. The notch-in-the-belt attitude is not caused by current "desensitization." That attitude has always been around, and all you have to do is take a look at the history of Eurpoean libirtines to understand; particularly the exploits of the Marquis De Sade.

The people in our past were quite debaucherous, and they didn't have the supposed corrupting influences of our MSM to blame.

But the topic here is desensitization as regards public displays of violence. I briefly pointed out that I felt that not only was it a problem but one that I felt shared commonalities with the sexualization of our youth through the same channels.

Yes, and that's what I am talking about. Modern man is highly conservative compared to his predeccors. We live in a modern world, where the violnce we view comes through entertainment like television and video games. Entertainment where the actors portraying the violence walk away uninjured after an eight hour shoot.

The "desensitization" in my opinion is a good thing. Our modern forms of entertainment show har far humans have come in terms of civilized behavior. Where our ancestors had no problem taking the family to the colliseum to watch gladiators fight to the death, most likely in displays much more gruesome than the video the OP mentioned; modern man would find such behavior repugnant. If we today were to watch a fight to the death, it would be between two actors making a movie.

Its our conservatism that shocks us.

So really, there is no reason to have a knee-jerk reaction regarding the desensitization of people to violence and sex. Our entertainment forms have come a long way, and are much more docile than they used to be in our history.

I chose to retire from "gunslinging" and I would have to say sated and with curiosities satisfied. Looking back--it wasn't worth it and I see a lot of wreckage that got traded around. In my experience desensitization was a major player in my inability to comprehend any real concept of intimacy.

Imagine living in 18th century France, long before the modern media was around to desensitize people. I could almost guarentee that, living back then, you would still have had to go through the same experiences. It is part of learning and growing.

I'm taking it that you're not the kind of person to look at yourself and your actions in that kind of way--deeply that is.

Just because I disagree with you, does not mean I am in no way profound. Just saying, that is an assumption on your part. You have no idea the scope, nor depth, of what I have thought and felt.

I am certainly not the type of person going out looking for another notch in my belt, as you so poetically described it.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 09:44 AM
gore videos are actually good for when you're feeling down.... if you're "on the edge" and can't take it...
that boiling point where you've thought about doing the unthinkable....

so grab some popcorn and turn the volume down... lock your door... and go to or liveleak or bestgore and start clicking....

it's a good way to let out aggression by just watching other people letting out aggression... once you see someone REALLY killing themself it brings you back down to reality and gives you a chance to rethink it... or going to kill someone else out of a knee-jerk emotional reaction.

It's therapeutic and I think could be a great tool for the immature who make knee-jerk reactions daily.

Wisdom of the grotesque kind... a necessity

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