posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 09:41 AM
Hello, Everyone !
I just want to say, what I found this site yesterday and pretty much stayed up all night reading it, since I have been laid off from work for about a
week now I could afford it! (But going for an interview tomorrow, so wish me luck!
What a fascinating site, found it, by doing Google search on "Area 51", needless to say this is one of the subject I interested in, including, but
not limited to conspiracies in general, aliens and political events.
Want to add, what I live in Canada, I am a citizen, but an immigrant from the former USSR.
Back in the old Soviet republic I, like most of the man there was in a military service (nuclear subs), but sorry, nothing exacting to share with you,
what was a secret back then - you can pretty much see on the Discovery channel now
So I guess its enough about me, just glad to be a part of the intelligent group of people on this site now !
Cheers !