posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:12 AM
I was ont he bus going to Los Angeles to see some firefighters I know anda Veteran.When we got to Abilene Texas, a man who was in his 20's was taken
off the bus in handcuffs
Folks in a Veteran, and retired fire department captain,I was a MP in the service and trined in Anti-Terrorism,and worked not only Security,and
protecting the President but also protected USAF Maerials and Secret Weapons. I was on the bus and was going to Los Angeles, from Houston, and the bus
got to the bus station in Abilene, the Border Patrol was there 4 car loads of them, They got on the Bus and took a man off the bus who was dressed
casually, and looked like he hasn't missed a meal in his life. One thing about this bust the man was from Ethiopia. U have to know that this
country has no money and is the poorest country in the world. They handcuffed the man,and I got off and talked to the Border Patrol cause I still have
my FD ID,and used to be stationed at Dryess AFB,and had a great repor with the Border Patrol. The senior agent said the man they had taken off the
bus had no ID it was forged, his passport was kafe and he had no entry papers. Everything the man had was false.
The Border patrol senior agent said something is going to pop cause they have been rounding up many middle eastern men at Dryess who the Security
Police turned over to them ,who had been on the base taking pictures of storage areas, aircraft hangers, plabes and buildings and where people go on
the base. The base was being surveyed and checked out by the people they have been rounding up.
Also out inAZ and border areas prayer cloths,have been fond out in the desert,along with hundreds of middle east people running through the border,and
being found out in remote areas of AZ, who are middle eastern men,who are coming inot America.
[edit on 9-8-2004 by John bull 1]