If that had just snagged the wrong way once it would have sprung back and gutted him. Go have another beer buddy, because you'll need it for the pain
you're gonna feel when that thing hits you.
He's an amateur "comedian" doing this for fame and money. Besides, no redneck would bother himself with a no goddamned hedge, it blocks the sun so you
could never grow peas and beans . Look at that rich neighbourhood and that finely trimmed grass... no plants and animals. He says he's doing his
stunts because Lord came to him in sleep and told him some important stuff.
Here's the video of him in a TV show talking about his stunts, Bible, Jesus and such stuff:
Notice how his fake ortodox southern accent disappears on this show. There are loads of other videos on utube.
edit on 20/6/2011 by SassyCat
because: (no reason given)