posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:02 PM
I've read that the Knights of the Templar and the Hospitallers were used to form the Rosicrucian Order (page 192 from Dr. Joye's book, The Garden of
Eden and the Knowledge of Good and Evil: 666) she explains before that that the Knights of the Templar eventually became the Free Masons.
Rosicrucians are said to be members of the Masters of the Great White Lodge, known to possess all known sacred knowledge (after such a stage they are
called the Illuminati) (pages 193-4)
I haven't so far studied a Knights of the Rose group specifically, but if they have Rosicrucian connections, I would bet they are related.
Just my research though
research while the internet is still uncensored (for the most part)