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So called "pro-lifers" cut food aid for poor single mothers, children and infants

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+14 more 
posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:17 PM
You all know the "pro-lifers" in congress and among our state governments? The ones that insist upon telling woman what to do and what not to do with their bodies? The ones that support the idea of forcing raped woman to go through with the pain pregnancy? The ones that insist upon making a woman's womb the property of the state and federal government? Yes, the "pro-lifers" who apparently do this all out of respect for the sanctity of life, but wait, what's this?

lawmakers chopped $832 million from an emergency feeding program for poor mothers, infants and children. Hunger groups said that change would deny emergency nutrition to about 325,000 mothers and children.

Apparently you're on your own once you're out of that womb kiddo. What else?

Lawmakers got their first glimpse of what the next state budget might look like late Tuesday, including the $5 billion cut to public schools, as Republican Gov. Rick Perry and his supporters were dancing at an inaugural celebration

And this is not anything new, this article above is more than a month old. There's been similar proposals in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania to gut public schools. What about healthcare?

House Republicans are planning to cut roughly $1 trillion over 10 years from Medicaid, the government health insurance program for the poor and disabled, as part of their fiscal 2012 budget, which they will unveil early next month, according to several GOP sources.

Read more:

Mind you, these are sources that make this claim, but I doubt it's all that far off from what "pro-life" Republicans are actually proposing.

So apparently, we're suppose to sit back, force woman to go through these pregnancies while gutting any support programmes for them having these kids? Not only do woman, many of whom have gone through an unspeakable crime, have to be forced now to endure the pain of pregnancies, not only do they have to have the rightwing religious nuts invading over their lives and their bodies, they have struggle to raise these kids.

I do frown at those woman and men who make the wrong choices and who are not accountable for it. That being said, it just astounds me that the free market revolutionaries want to tell these woman what they can and cannot do with their bodies. Not to mention, the many woman (and men, the husbands, partners) of whom suffered unspeakable crimes, and then on top of that, they want to tell these woman what they must do and that they're on their own.

I would have alittle more respect for many of these pro-lifers if they were consistent with their beliefs. I know of some pro-lifers who oppose abortion but support a woman's right to choose regardless, but then again many others support invasive laws, and then they support gutting the education system and gutting the food and medical aid system. Unbelievable. "Liberty" for ya folks.
edit on 18-6-2011 by Southern Guardian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:21 PM
Sadly with the Government becoming more and more despotic I'm sure we'll see another revolution brewing.

+2 more 
posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Do you purposefully cherry pick to make your point?

you copied this part of the article:

--Lawmakers got their first glimpse of what the next state budget might look like late Tuesday, including the $5 billion cut to public schools, as Republican Gov. Rick Perry and his supporters were dancing at an inaugural celebration.

Funny how you skipped over

--Texas is facing a $15 billion revenue shortfall,and few corners of state government were spared in the draft proposal for the next two years. The Texas Constitution requires a balanced budget, and Republican leaders have vowed not to raise taxes.--

Selective reading at it's finest.

But I expect that from you

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh


Texas Gov. Rick Perry has suggested cutting $10 billion from state support for public schools to help plug a budget deficit that may be as much as $27 billion.

Perry did propose gutting funding for public schools. Do you support him? Do support what Republicans are doing? Do I have a point or am I wrong?

Do you want another example of the cuts going ahead around this country?

The cuts will wreak havoc on the public school system, deny health care to the uninsured and, because of skyrocketing tuition costs, deprive young people of the chance to go to college. It will also lead to further attacks on the jobs, wages and benefits of state’s 175,000 teachers, nurses, firefighters and other public employees who Walker claimed are paid “unsustainable benefits out of line with the private sector.”

Among the cuts included in the bill are:

$1.25 billion in cuts to school aid and local government, including a reduction of more than $900 million in education funding statewide, or about $500 per pupil reduction.

It's silly to deny that Republicans are proposing these cuts, there are numerous examples. Some Democrats are going along with it.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

It should always be the woman's choice. It is HER body and HER responsibility in the future so she should not be bullied into making wrong decisions. So many times it happens, someone makes you a promise to stand by you... and then... they leave you all alone in the lurch...

The only person you should ever learn to rely on is yourself - unfortunate but true.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I am a so call pro-lifer and I am not sure that I should voice my opinion about this, but for lack of concern over my own reputation, and putting on my thick skin, I am going to anyway!

Although I am pro-life, I do walk the fence on issues such as you mentioned in your OP, like forced rape, pregnancy that endangers the mothers life, for me comes with it's own set of moral issues too.

I wrote an essay in a class that use the following photo from a pro-life organization:


My essay was not graded on topic choice, but there was a ton of opposition from my professor, and most of it centered around the fact that pro-lifers were using "tree hugging" slogans out of context...which brings me to my point on this thread.

Suppose we say that my essay was not out of context, and the funding that is provided at the state and federal level for "tree hugging" programs is not cut, but pro-life funding is. Do we now agree that we have an even bigger issue at hand? I would say that most American would consider this taboo, and would question the motives of the government at both levels. Now consider that maybe both "tree hugging" and pro-life programs are we now have a balance we can live with? I think that answers itself.

So before we go bashing the pro-lifers too much maybe we should get a clear picture of the entire budget and all of the programs that are cut, or not cut, depending on how biased you want to be.

Okay...that is all...let the bashing begin!

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:52 PM
I see by the OP he reads nothing but far left sites.

I think the Gooberment should be gutting everything including food to the poor, but then again I have never asked for anything from the Gooberment even when I was down or up.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

These same government officials turn a blind eye to our out of control military budget. Lets cut programs that benefit Americans yet continue throwing our tax dollars into an enormous military budget! These domestic programs are a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of money we've thrown into these wars.

We're spending 6 times the amount on our military budget compared to China who has the second largest military budget in the world. We're spending 130 billion dollars a year for the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. We spend approximately 25 billion a year on foreign aid.

In total our Military budget is 1.2 trillion dollars. Shouldn't these elected officials be looking to cut this budget by at least 1/2? Remove all our troops stationed over seas and that would amount to a huge reduction! Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Shouldn't our government take drastic measures and cut our military budget before the dollar possibly crashes? Are they going to wait until they put the population of this country into economic hardships and chaos?

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I think you've summed up the problem pretty well. Many long for the days when women had few choices about much of anything and were subservient to men and male authority in all aspects of society, including the churches.

If people want to control women "for their own good" I have a suggestion.

What if men were subjected to the same sort of prohibitions? What if every man who has had a vasectomy or used a condom is considered a criminal in the eyes of society? They are, after all, murdering thousands of innocent sperms who could grow up to be Albert Einstein.

What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by jerryznv

I respect many pro-lifers, the kind who well and truly respect the sanctity of life, but at the same time oppose any government intruision or force over a matters that has nothing to do with them. If you believe that fetus is a child, that it has a right to life, that's fine, I can respect that, I respect Sarah Palin for keeping her youngest child and giving him as much love as she can. What turns me off is the minute pro-lifers decide to turn to legislation, to government, where they insist upon demonizing all woman who have to make these unfortunate decisions including those who have suffered unspeakable crimes. Many pro-lifers lose me when they insist upon legislation and public funding to impose some government monitoring on the lives of every pregnant woman, while insisting that any government aid is "socialismisms". This is where you lose me.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:32 PM
I am pretty sure that most pro-lifers assume that those who are not equipped to have children will choose adoption.

Too bad that almost never happens.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by WeRpeons
reply to post by Southern Guardian

These same government officials turn a blind eye to our out of control military budget. Lets cut programs that benefit Americans yet continue throwing our tax dollars into an enormous military budget! These domestic programs are a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of money we've thrown into these wars.

We're spending 6 times the amount on our military budget compared to China who has the second largest military budget in the world. We're spending 130 billion dollars a year for the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. We spend approximately 25 billion a year on foreign aid.

Did you see Obama make excuses for the war in Libya? What a spineless puppet, really, we all know full well that congress and the whitehouse is in the tank for the military industrial complex, always have been. They want to cut billions out of aid, out of the incomes of teachers, other public workers, but you will not hear a sound upon the idea of cutting the military. Not a sound. Tea partiers are shut along with their republican representitives, the dems are shut, the whitehouse is shut. Just send billions and billions, because it just ain't enough for the military industrial complex.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by cassp83
I am pretty sure that most pro-lifers assume that those who are not equipped to have children will choose adoption.

Too bad that almost never happens.

In a perfect world that would be the case, but it ain't that straight forward. Who funds the these orphanages? Child welfare? The federal government, state governments. I'd wonder what the GOP plan is for the funding of these social services to parentless children? I'll probably try to dig some more information up.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:50 PM
The mistake that most "Pro-Life" people make, is that those of us that are "Pro-Choice" are pro abortion. I am pro-choice all the way, however I am anti abortion. The money spent fighting this issue would be better spent on birth control and education. I was married to a woman that made a decision to have an abortion at a young age, she has paid for that decision her entire life, I am currently married to a woman who chose to have a child at 16, and again she has paid for that decision her entire life. When it comes right down to it, the government has no right to legislate this issue, at any level, federal, state, or local. It is a personal decision, and a very difficult one.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 09:04 PM
Here's a gosh darn good idea, hey politicians Take a gosh darn pay cut!!! What? Oh man I can hear the crickets chirping now... chirp chirp chirp... yeah followed by roaring laughter. What A$$hats!

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 09:10 PM
I guess they just print more money. That seems to be the answer these days......

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 09:12 PM
I'm pro-abortion and I don't really care about this. It will make people think twice before popping out kids.
Pro-lifers are quite useless, unless they've done something outstanding like Michelle Bachman and adopted 23 kids...For the most part they want people to pop out kids, but after that, they don't care what happens to the kid. They're anti-women and hypocrites at best.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
You all know the "pro-lifers" in congress and among our state governments? The ones that insist upon telling woman what to do and what not to do with their bodies? The ones that support the idea of forcing raped woman to go through with the pain pregnancy? The ones that insist upon making a woman's womb the property of the state and federal government? Yes, the "pro-lifers" who apparently do this all out of respect for the sanctity of life, but wait, what's this?

lawmakers chopped $832 million from an emergency feeding program for poor mothers, infants and children. Hunger groups said that change would deny emergency nutrition to about 325,000 mothers and children.

Apparently you're on your own once you're out of that womb kiddo. What else?

Lawmakers got their first glimpse of what the next state budget might look like late Tuesday, including the $5 billion cut to public schools, as Republican Gov. Rick Perry and his supporters were dancing at an inaugural celebration

And this is not anything new, this article above is more than a month old. There's been similar proposals in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania to gut public schools. What about healthcare?

House Republicans are planning to cut roughly $1 trillion over 10 years from Medicaid, the government health insurance program for the poor and disabled, as part of their fiscal 2012 budget, which they will unveil early next month, according to several GOP sources.

Read more:

Mind you, these are sources that make this claim, but I doubt it's all that far off from what "pro-life" Republicans are actually proposing.

So apparently, we're suppose to sit back, force woman to go through these pregnancies while gutting any support programmes for them having these kids? Not only do woman, many of whom have gone through an unspeakable crime, have to be forced now to endure the pain of pregnancies, not only do they have to have the rightwing religious nuts invading over their lives and their bodies, they have struggle to raise these kids.

I do frown at those woman and men who make the wrong choices and who are not accountable for it. That being said, it just astounds me that the free market revolutionaries want to tell these woman what they can and cannot do with their bodies. Not to mention, the many woman (and men, the husbands, partners) of whom suffered unspeakable crimes, and then on top of that, they want to tell these woman what they must do and that they're on their own.

I would have alittle more respect for many of these pro-lifers if they were consistent with their beliefs. I know of some pro-lifers who oppose abortion but support a woman's right to choose regardless, but then again many others support invasive laws, and then they support gutting the education system and gutting the food and medical aid system. Unbelievable. "Liberty" for ya folks.
edit on 18-6-2011 by Southern Guardian because: (no reason given)

Maybe they believe in gender equality? Heck it is already a matter of case law that if a woman rapes a male she is still entitled to child support(there was a case where a woman admitted to raping a drunk,passed out young man and the Judges,police didn't do anything). Even if paying it would leave the raped male homeless or cause the male to die.

As a society we believe in gender equality no?

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by korathin
Maybe they believe in gender equality? Heck it is already a matter of case law that if a woman rapes a male she is still entitled to child support(there was a case where a woman admitted to raping a drunk,passed out young man and the Judges,police didn't do anything). Even if paying it would leave the raped male homeless or cause the male to die.

As a society we believe in gender equality no?

I believe in gender equality, in general and in justice. Clearly this unfortunate man should not be obligated to pay for child support considering the circumstances, and I do feel sorry for the child to be put into such a circumstance, probably be put up for adoption in my view. I'd say his mother would be unfit to take care of him or her, so while it's unfair to the child, the rape victim should not have to be forced into this situation, not by the law, not by anybody, this is where I stand.

This is under the assumption that there was proof that the man was raped.
edit on 19-6-2011 by Southern Guardian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by WeRpeons
reply to post by Southern Guardian

These same government officials turn a blind eye to our out of control military budget. Lets cut programs that benefit Americans yet continue throwing our tax dollars into an enormous military budget! These domestic programs are a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of money we've thrown into these wars.

We're spending 6 times the amount on our military budget compared to China who has the second largest military budget in the world. We're spending 130 billion dollars a year for the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. We spend approximately 25 billion a year on foreign aid.

In total our Military budget is 1.2 trillion dollars. Shouldn't these elected officials be looking to cut this budget by at least 1/2? Remove all our troops stationed over seas and that would amount to a huge reduction! Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Shouldn't our government take drastic measures and cut our military budget before the dollar possibly crashes? Are they going to wait until they put the population of this country into economic hardships and chaos?

Well, let's tell our Prez to get out of Libya and Iraq and Afghanistan and concentrate on our domestic issues!!!!

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