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Interesting article lays out the science behind the crop circle phenomenon.

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posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Son of Will

Originally posted by jude11
To actually believe that 2 men made these works of art with string and boards, no foot prints leading to the sites and with the precision and size to harder to believe than the Alien Theory.


I don't know what or who is responsible, but I'm very sure that 2 dudes crawling around in the middle of the night with strings and boards didn't do it.

Maybe the smaller, simpler versions but not those huge works of art.

edit on 18-6-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

Really? More ludicrous than aliens? That really makes me angry - to think that people shrug off and even disbelieve the ingenuity of mankind. Read up on this link and then... well, I'm sure you'll find a way to rationalize it, so maybe don't bother. I know it's about wishful thinking, and not evidence.

As for evidence - well, what do you know... the "scientific articles" referred to in this blog are none other than BLT Research! The institution famous for putting forth bad science. Every one of their claims, when independently tested, turned out to be a hoax or perfectly natural. That's how "real" science works. One study comes along, makes some claims, then other scientists review the studies, then attempt to replicate them for objectivity. If that fails... then you have nothing.

All those claims evaporate upon examination, and all you're left with are some fancy designs in crops and wishful thinking. Don't for a moment think that the people who truly make these designs are fools. They are artists. The more you attribute their work to that of space visitors leaving clues to super tech, the more you're just complimenting these clever Brits.

Interesting view I guess but over 10,000 pieces of art over almost 40 years takes a lot of people, time, money etc. Not to mention that Crop circles have shown up in at least 52 countries in recent decades, including Australia, China, Germany, and Russia.

Crop circles have shown up in at least 52 countries in recent decades, including Australia, China, Germany, and Russia.

As I mentioned, I can believe many are man-made...but not all.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by worldriot
reply to post by Amaterasu

What always interested me about that work is the resemblance to Da Vincis Vitruvian Man.

Yeah, I noted that as well. Rather like a butterfly superimposed on Da Vinci's work. But without the circle (how ironic! LOL!)

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Son of Will
Don't for a moment think that the people who truly make these designs are fools. They are artists. The more you attribute their work to that of space visitors leaving clues to super tech, the more you're just complimenting these clever Brits.

Y'know... I know a lot of artists, most of Them starving. Hell, I'm an artist. I do not know a One who would happily create circle after circle without credit and no pay.

Not saying there are no such artists, but They must be rich and travel the world, cleverly figuring out how to carve circles in ice too thin to walk on, too. They must be dedicated, I tell You what. And wanting to avoid fame.

You really think the Human circle makers are "flattered" by speculation that Humans didn't make these?

One more thing... The confirmed Human made designs are all geometric. Easy to make with sticks, tape measures and boards. What a nightmare trying to get that "butterHuman" Jude offers above with these tools. I'm not seeing how Humans in the dark with sticks and tape measures and boards did THAT one so well.
edit on 6/18/2011 by Amaterasu because: corrections

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Originally posted by Son of Will
Don't for a moment think that the people who truly make these designs are fools. They are artists. The more you attribute their work to that of space visitors leaving clues to super tech, the more you're just complimenting these clever Brits.

Y'know... I know a lot of artists, most of Them starving. Hell, I'm an artist. I do not know a One who would happily create circle after circle without credit and no pay.

Not saying there are no such artists, but They must be rich and travel the world, cleverly figuring out how to carve circles in ice too thin to walk on, too. They must be dedicated, I tell You what. And wanting to avoid fame.

You really think the Human circle makers are "flattered" by speculation that Humans didn't make these?

One more thing... The confirmed Human made designs are all geometric. Easy to make with sticks, tape measures and boards. What a nightmare trying to get that "butterHuman" Jude offers above with these tools. I'm not seeing how Humans in the dark with sticks and tape measures and boards did THAT one so well.
edit on 6/18/2011 by Amaterasu because: corrections

Even Taggers leave their initials or logo.

Good point.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Son of Will

Originally posted by jude11
To actually believe that 2 men made these works of art with string and boards, no foot prints leading to the sites and with the precision and size to harder to believe than the Alien Theory.


I don't know what or who is responsible, but I'm very sure that 2 dudes crawling around in the middle of the night with strings and boards didn't do it.

Maybe the smaller, simpler versions but not those huge works of art.

edit on 18-6-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

Really? More ludicrous than aliens? That really makes me angry - to think that people shrug off and even disbelieve the ingenuity of mankind. Read up on this link and then... well, I'm sure you'll find a way to rationalize it, so maybe don't bother. I know it's about wishful thinking, and not evidence.

As for evidence - well, what do you know... the "scientific articles" referred to in this blog are none other than BLT Research! The institution famous for putting forth bad science. Every one of their claims, when independently tested, turned out to be a hoax or perfectly natural. That's how "real" science works. One study comes along, makes some claims, then other scientists review the studies, then attempt to replicate them for objectivity. If that fails... then you have nothing.

All those claims evaporate upon examination, and all you're left with are some fancy designs in crops and wishful thinking. Don't for a moment think that the people who truly make these designs are fools. They are artists. The more you attribute their work to that of space visitors leaving clues to super tech, the more you're just complimenting these clever Brits.

where in his post did jude11 say aliens? he said he did now know who was responsible for them..

and if you think what you so confusingly typed is real science well my friend you have paid too much for that special college lerning..

you mock others yet do no research yourself for the other side of the story...
I posted a link to undeniable Proof of unexplained NOT man made crop circles that thread details how to identify a real crop from a man made crop circle...

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 03:00 PM
The crop circle phenomena has always been an interest of mine, so I had to jump in and give my thoughts on the subject.

Anyone ever thought of it being OUR technology? With all of the satellites up there, who is to say there is not a way to program and create these designs by some type of laser. Just put in the template of the design you desire.........All with an agenda of course .

Yes, there are some elaborate hoaxes , and they try to explain away the real ones with this which is laughable. Too many studies have been done with remarkable finds ... which rule out a hoax.

I think it's either ours or someone else's artwork from up there

Some are Beautiful for sure....

Interesting thread OP. Thanks!
edit on 19-6-2011 by SeekerLou because: correction

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 04:48 AM

reply to post by -W1LL

where in his post did jude11 say aliens? he said he did now know who was responsible for them..

and if you think what you so confusingly typed is real science well my friend you have paid too much for that special college lerning..

you mock others yet do no research yourself for the other side of the story...
I posted a link to undeniable Proof of unexplained NOT man made crop circles that thread details how to identify a real crop from a man made crop circle...

I'm not mocking anybody. On the exact contrary I'm responding to the people who are mocking mankind and their artistic capability. Guess what, your link is ALSO to BLT research! ALL crop circle "research" goes back to BLT. And over the many years they've been around, they've only managed to publish 3 or so articles, and literally every independent attempt to verify their claims has failed. That is a big red flag for bad science. Also, that organization is fraught with scandal. Key members leaving abruptly and totally dissociating themselves.

EVERYthing about this subject stinks. Started in the 70s. The complexity of them has steadily improved. With the computer age, we've seen a spike in complexity, with 3D images and large complex shapes. Beautiful works of art! But these have always *proceeded* the popular technology required to make them. It's always following, never leading.

It's ironic - you accuse me of mocking others, then in the same breath basically spit all over me. Paid too much for my education? What I confusingly typed? Done no research?

What do you know of my education? Sounds like college level to you? Well maybe I have that, but 99% of what I bring to ATS is what I've researched and independently, painstakingly verified with my own eyes, on my own time. This is serious business to me, the pursuit of truth. I'm not going to have it wasted on verifiably, patently, provably FALSE crap like crop circles.

They are man made. IT IS NOT 2 drunk guys with planks. It is done by highly skilled teams of anywhere from 5 to 30 people, all using a wide range of techniques. I'll give you a clue right here - Vastly complex designs can be broken down into clearly-defined lines, with key "choke points", where several lines converge. Once these are established, the entire design is made vastly easier to build. It's not simple business. Mistakes happen. Most crop circles are *not* perfect for this exact reason.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Son of Will

p==I couldnt read all that lol pics or links or it didnt happen. you can throw out all my evidence you want as hearsay if you like, all you have is your word, I will go with testing and evidence that has been recorded.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 11:38 AM
How many people have been arrested and convicted for vandalism because of making crop circles? If someone destroyed my crop, I'd want them arrested, and I would press charges. I think the answer is "nobody". Hmmmm, so if it's man made (like taggers spray painting buildings), then it would be safe to assume that someone, anyone, one single person, would have been arrested by now.

I'm not saying it's "aliens" or anything else. But, crop circles have been around for a long time, some of the designs, and how quickly they're made, are incredible. Impossible for them to be man made? Maybe not. But, if even ONE crop circle isn't man made, then what made it? Who made it? It only takes ONE to be non-man made for the conspiracy to continue.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3

They have been arrested.

But would you have them arrested if they paid you first? How about if you pay them to bring people to look at the circles?
There's plenty good money to be made.
edit on 6/22/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Phage

Do you have a source for the arrests other than some new age blog? Maybe a credible local newspaper or television station?

Sure, if I was making more money off the tourism than I would make off the crop, then I'd be okay with that, IF and ONLY IF it was a deal PRIOR to them trespassing on my land and destroying my crops. For example, we have a lot of corn mazes around here in the fall, before Halloween. If the farmer makes the choice, that's one thing. If not, it's trespassing and vandalism. To date, I haven't read anywhere of anyone being arrested, except for the link you put up, which is "suspect" in my opinion. Thanks for the links though, I may do a tour if I'm ever in England visiting the in-laws.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by worldriot

"The result: Three articles in peer-reviewed journals, two in Physiologia Plantarum and another in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. All identified dramatic heat-related physiological alterations in grain samples gathered from Europe and North America that couldn’t be explained by pranksters pressing simple wooden boards into the fields."


"Dr. Robert Reynolds, the former president of the Clay Minerals Society and Dartmouth College professor emeritus of geology and mineralogy, was utterly stumped by the transformation of crystalline structures in the surface soil beneath the stricken crops. The changes he observed would’ve required temps of between 1,500 and 1,800 degrees F, sustained over a period of hours."

Would be interested in the opinions of others regarding this.

Naturally, I rushed to the Physiologia Plantarum website, which is an actual peer reviewed publication. There were no such papers published:

Then I tried the Journal of Scientific Exploration and hit gold. Here are some examples of their "peer reviewed" research:

Common Knowledge About the Loch Ness Monster
The Strange Properties of Psychokinesis
Periodically Flashing Lights Filmed Off the Coast of New Zealand
Three New Cases of Reincarnation Types in Sri Lanka With Written Records
Trends in the Study of Out-of-Body Experiences
A Case of Severe Birth Defects Possibly Due to Cursing
Moslem Case of Reincarnation Type in Northern India: Analysis of 26 Cases
What I See When I Close My Eyes

It makes me wonder what you have to write to be rejected by the peer review panel.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 12:26 PM
I say ATS has an opportunity to make money and a bigger name for itself (and some good street cred).

Host a contest about who can make the best Crop Circle (CC). Put a big prize on it (it shouldn't be hard as I am sure there will be a lot of advertisers).

Rules (basically-feel free to add some):

1: Has to be done in the DAYLIGHT

2: You can use anything

3: You can use as many people as you want

4: You have 7 hours (to simulate it being done in one evening)

Get ready, set go. The whole thing will be on cameras (we'll use ballons, helos or something).

The test to be passed:

Make something like these, just as well. Should be easy in the day light.... right?

Source link:

Anyway, a contest like this will put the whole thing to rest... one way or another. I would be convinced if just one team could produce a masterpiece, especially if they use just wood boards and some rope.

And, ATS would be the ones who took the task on... what better way to broadcast DENY IGNORANCE.

Let's get this party started! Thoughts?
edit on 6/22/2011 by anon72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by anon72

Anyway, a contest like this will put the whole thing to rest... one way or another.

No. It won't. Crop Circle believers will continue to claim that "not all" crop circles are man made.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by jude11

Who says 2 people did it? Just as the designs have gotten more complex, so have the number of people involved.

Those three articles have been pretty well gone over on ATS, BTW.
edit on 6/18/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

Trouble is mate, while I also believe that many Circles are simply man-made, how do you explain such anomalies as are in the OP? Did they take a giant blow torch out there and burn the ground then use cleaner and a cloth to clean up the charcoal evidence?

There are some Circles, IMO, that deserve greater scrutiny at the very least.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Kryties

Trouble is mate, while I also believe that many Circles are simply man-made, how do you explain such anomalies as are in the OP? Did they take a giant blow torch out there and burn the ground then use cleaner and a cloth to clean up the charcoal evidence?

No, they just made it up. The claims are completely bogus, as you would know if you followed the sources. It's a hoax.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by DJW001

Anyone get arrested for this vandalism?

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by Kryties

Trouble is mate, while I also believe that many Circles are simply man-made, how do you explain such anomalies as are in the OP? Did they take a giant blow torch out there and burn the ground then use cleaner and a cloth to clean up the charcoal evidence?

No, they just made it up. The claims are completely bogus, as you would know if you followed the sources. It's a hoax.

Ahh, my apologies then - I didn't actually look at the source I was just giving the thread a quick flick-through and saw Phage's post that got me thinking.

/slaps self on wrist

I shall always check the source from now on

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 02:54 PM
I still say it is people.
I have responded to other threads on this topic with what I think is the real mechanism behind this.

The technology came out of the military in a project that could lay down the crops of large fields where enemy ground troops were hiding in ambush. The project utilized the ability to rapidly produce gravi-tropism and photo-tropism effects in the stalks of certain field crops using microwave radiation.

That technology went out of the military with some very smart engineers and was coupled with the graphics in polar geometry that a computer can provide. Thus the ability to generate the microwave radiation as a raster beam.

Generated above a field from a high source, most likely drone or high flying aircraft.

All of the evidence is there.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 11:07 PM
Wow, this is rather amazing.

Some hard science exposes a really plausible explanation for crop circle formation, and there is a noted absence of cerialogists posting to comment pro or con.

I would think that it is more important to have a scientific foundation that is believable, rather than a mystical or alien reason for this phenomena, if there was a logical choice. Did this OP post hit home, or what?

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