posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 03:34 PM
What makes a false flag a false flag? Right, it's when party X, pretends to be party Y, attacks itself, rallies support of the stupid mass, and
attacks party Y under a false pretense.
How can you tell the difference between a false flag and a real attack?
Anonymous, they do have a clever name. Lets take a look at a hypothetical situation, Anon is a real group of hackers trying to fight for justice. This
group of hackers attacks corporations, banks, and government databases. No matter what they do, no matter their results, there will be repercussions.
Some may blame it as a false flag. Catch my drift? Their situation is such that, if they really are heroes, they cause repercussions, and if they are
are a part of a false flag plan, they succeed.
How can we say Anon is CIA, FBI, or the freaking Men In Black if we aren't in their core of leaders? All we can do is stay pro-active, and hope for
the best. Let's watch the show unfold.
My opinion on the situation would be that, I don't see a group of hackers capable of taking down the U.S or any other nation down without something
suspicious. To think that a group of hackers around the world are capable of taking on the U.S in cyber warfare would be pretty silly.