I am kindof dumb but am learning. I would like to add a pdf file of mine (I drew a neat little picture) to my response to a particular thread. It
seems like I need a URL for it...sorry in advance...how can I get my pdf up?
ALso, why does everyone need to know how dumb I am?
I believe you can't at mediaATS, some other ulpoad site you can. But you can also look for a (free) program to convert your .pdf into .jpg. An image
you can upload at ATS.
Here goes the next q, and thank you for responding...I see and have used the "image" button above, but it asks for a URL...I know others can post
pics in the post itself to see immediately...mine always has the "external image" wording...any ideas? Sounds like I need to explore the media
center more. Thanks again!