posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:31 AM
I am writing this in the hope that I can capture the essence of what it is I am trying to explain.
I have had some thoughts recently on what is actually happening to humanity as a whole.
Our journey, our history, our story.
Why are we here, what is our purpose and generally what is the meaning of our existence.
When I look at the current state of the world in which I live I can see both beauty and darkness.
I see the wonders of nature and the beauty that is emitted from human love and compassion.
I see the destructive force of nature and the evil that is spilled from humanity's greed and selfishness.
These are the extremes that life balances out. The Yin and the Yang and all the greyness in-between.
So I stop and think and wonder why it is that the societies of the world are all going through challenging times.
Be it economic upheaval, the revolution of the people, earth changes or whatever else can be thrown in to the melting pot.
That is the basis of this post. To try and bring light to what is really going on in the world and around us.
To begin with I would like to state that there are, have been and will continue to be those of us humans who have the capacity to look at the bigger
picture and those of us who would rather go on in our daily lives without having to consider that which exists beyond the reality that directly
affects us.
This post is for everyone however I know it is likely to resonate more with those of you who see the metaphysical aspects of the changes that are
taking place in our reality.
I remember many years ago reading about the alchemist Fulcanelli and how he was the first alchemist to turn base metals in to gold. I also remember
reading about the morals and dogma of Albert Pike where he speaks of the perfect ashlar or stone being moulded from a rough un-worked rock. It
occurred to me that alchemy was in fact more about the transmogrification of the human soul. That we were all in fact the un-worked rock or the base
metal and that the alchemists and freemasons of the world knew the processes of cleansing ones inner soul in order to obtain enlightenment or
Now the reason I mention this is because I see the world around me and I see how we are transforming the microcosm in the same way the macrocosm is
changing.. for example if we take the macrocosm to be the world, the earth, mother nature and the microcosm to be man and we note the reference from
the emerald tablet "as above, so below" we can begin to surmise that there is a valid reason to believe that when the macrocosm changes so to does
the microcosm.
That being said it is little wonder why the illuminati use the motto "order out of chaos".
Now I know it is easy to poke holes in this theory however it would only be because of the way it has been laid out and not because there is not a
mountain of evidence to support such an assumption.
The fact remains that according to those of us who see the bigger picture we are aware that the world is being controlled by a few powerful men who
cause effect through their knowledge and understanding or alchemy and metaphysics.
Indeed we see the power hungry politicians on our screens everyday waging war in pursuit of oil and wealth and we see the world around us changing
through nature and we experience the infrastructures that once housed us safely undergoing such vigorous and challenging transformations however what
we fail to recognise or (in support of the thread title) what the missing link is.. is that the illuminati, the power elite, the men at the very top
of the pyramid are not the bankers, the 13 blood lines or whatever else is being conditioned for our acceptance, the very men at the top of the
pyramid are in fact alchemists and metaphysicists who overstand the reality and duality of our existence, who play the game of gods.. moving nation
against nation as if they were pieces on a chess board.
These men will never truly be known, they work so subtly that everything we are led to believe buries their existence in the deepest levels of
security away from even the most eager and knowledgeable conspiracy theorists.
Given that these powerful few sit above humanity and direct its course in to the future it would be important to all life on the planet to know what
the intentions are behind this faction’s actions.
Are they benevolent towards us or malevolent?
Going by what we see in the world around us it is easy to assume the worst. The collapse of our world, be it through war, economic down turn, disease,
famine, natural causes and so on, at one end of the extreme spectrum the world seems to be dying. Hence why there are revolutions around the world
calling for justice. That isn't to say justice is not required or merited but instead of getting caught up in the fish net of the movements occurring
around the world , would it not be better to overstand the situation and see what is really going on?
Ever read the Celestine Prophecy or looked in to the nature of Synchronicity? Ever wondered about coincidences, de ja vu.. why we meet the people we
do? Law of attraction and so on?
Could it be that these topics which are so easily dismissed as mumbo jumbo actually have their genuine roots deep within the existence and laws of
karma.. cause and effect?
If so would that not make us more than just biological machines destined to reproduce and live a meaningless life of working a 9-5 until the day we
are buried beneath the earth? Would it not in fact mean that we are spiritual beings and that our realities exist on so many levels of duality.. that
in fact to lend your belief to this ideology enriches your existence manifold? Most pessimists and atheists would be quick to discount the notion
however with the acceleration of scientific evidence in to the worlds of the paranormal, facts are now arising which teaches us that Schrödinger’s
cat exists in two realities.
If the very few powerful men can control the world through the ideologies of alchemy and metaphysics what is to say that with the correct knowledge
and wisdom we can not be masters of our own fates? In my opinion absolutely nothing...
So what is really going on...?
Apocalypse, Armageddon, End of the World? Or Global, Spiritual Transformation?
I would have to say the latter for if it was the destruction of the world in which we live then we would all have already been destroyed.. we have the
technology to do it and if the men at the very top of the power structure intended so it would have already occurred. This leaves only one
conclusion.. that this master race of alchemists are in fact engineering the next phase of human evolution!
And with that the metaphor is introduced.
I have spoken about it in past threads, I have heard others speak about it also... That of the earth being the womb... the humans being the sperm and
the earth changes being the labour... birthing a new bread of humans, a new age.. the golden dawn or age of Aquarius... The perfect ashlar.. The
rising phoenix, the spear of destiny, the fountain of youth, the elixir of life.. God head... the list of metaphors are endless.. The ideologies exist
in myths like that of Atlantis, a new utopia, heaven on earth..!
Is it so hard to believe that these men at the very top of our power structure are in fact the midwives of the new eon?
Yes we are at a turning point in human history, yes there are world challenges and changes, yes there are earth movements, yes there are revolutions,
yes there are traumas and yes there is suffering... all the things which are metaphorically evident during the birth of someone or something.
The earth is waking up.. Volcanoes, earth quakes, the people are rising up, revolutions and movements...
And so in conclusion I would say to all my brothers and sisters fear not the future but embrace it for we live in the most exciting times ever
experienced on this earth.. we are moving in to new consciousness one free of all that has gone before us.. Simply imagine if you will a world with
enlightened beings who have learned from history, who exist in self sustaining communities of free energy which is reproduced in harmony with the
environment... a humanity that looks back and sees that they have moved on in leaps and bounds much like the gap between Neanderthal and human.. from
human to spiritual.. co existence with all thing, harmony, balance, synchronicity, equilibrium…perfection!