Having looked at the following post;
I found one thing missing.
(Before I start I feel I must point out that I have respect for this persons post and for other people who share this opinion. Its just that there's
It is the link between the idea of God and the physical world we inhabit.
Let's start with a few basic facts. The major monotheistic religions of today (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) have one thing in common; they all
state that a supreme being of omnipotent and omnipresent existence created the world as we know it. However, since these books were written (The Miqra
- of which the Tora is part of - , the Quran and the Bible) our understanding of the world, the universe and reality itself has RADICALLY changed. We
now know the extent of the observable cosmos, the nature of the formation of our galaxy (the Milky Way), our solar system, our planet and even the
Moon and pretty much all other planets and moons in our solar system. This information can ALL be PROVEN with scientifically observed and verifiable
FACTS. Given these facts and advancements in Human knowledge and understanding is it not fair to question these so called 'Holy Texts'???
To quote the previous link;
""Truth be told, it took me longer than I care to mention to notice that none of those paths really ever matter themselves at all. It was the choice
they provided to begin looking for God in the first place. I thought to myself “ So God doesn’t really care how we get there just as long as we
get there eventually”.
This was my guiding light for many years and stood up to my own intense form of analyzing always landing on its feet as the victor in those battles. I
have to admit that I live in bliss for those years thinking I had figured it out and everything was going to be okay.
As soon as that last sentence entered my head was when the one thing I didn’t notice came to my attention.
Why would an all powerful being that has no limits and if all the legends that are told about him are true then why is there so much pain and struggle
everywhere I look anymore?""
This line of thought leaves me puzzled given my previous statement. I might be lucky in the conclusion I came to and which I have kept for the last 10
years, which is you cannot 'look' for God. It's quite simple! God IS the universe. This ancient archaic definition of God is redundant! Everything
you look at, feel, think, dream, imagine is ALL part of the greater being, which/who/whatever IS physically, metaphysically you and me and even your
pet dogs shedded hairs!
The 'Path to God' is within your own mind as this is THE MOST POWERFUL THING ANY LIVING CREATURE ON EARTH HAS EVER EVOLVED!!!
Personally and through much reading I have found that the people who have the best ideas on reality and metaphysics are the Buddhists! Particularly
Zen Buddhism. Try reading books like 'The Way of Zen by Alan Watts' or 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig'
I for one believe there ARE answers and they are right under our noses!!!...