posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 01:45 PM
Dearborn, Michigan is the unofficial capital of Muslims in North America, for those who don't know. The last time Pastor Terry Jones (the
Quran-burner) went to Dearborn there was a small riot of 500 counter-protesters. This time is a much bigger event, because he's protesting at the
Arab-American Festival, with annual 300 thousand expected. It's expected tens of thousands will counter-protest Terry Jones.
I'm not trying to make this a bigger deal than it is. I'm not saying this might be the start of World War 3 or anything like that, but it could be
something BIG.
The same day is when Saudi women will protest their driving ban, and drive anyway.
I'm neutral on this subject. I do think it's free speech to burn a book, but at the same time it's rude to rub it in people's faces if it's their
holy book. It's not something I would do, even if that book does contain bad stuff, but I suppose someone has a right to burn it if they purchased
the book. It would be nice if nothing happens tomorrow, but more than likely there will be a riot, if not all-out chaos.
Or it could be the start of WW3.