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Greek state starting to lose grip...

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posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 02:26 PM
BBC Article: Greek state starting to lose grip

Reading what is happening in Greece, where I used to live, I can't help but be worried about history repeating itself.
Not long ago there was a country that had lost faith in the government only because of severe poverty suffered by the people.
Eventually they wanted change, and drastic change at that. The majority of citizens rallied behind a party with hard-lines and nationalistic rhetoric that had clearly stated it's intentions of abolishing Democracy in the name of purging corruption from politics.
This same advanced nation voted in a man who had already declared he would rule by not bothering to consult any opposing parties, but only based on what he thought was best. A dictator who abolished and imprisoned the opposition.
This country was Germany, and the timeline was early 1930's. The party was the National Socialist Worker's Party, and their dictator was Adolph Hitler.
Now, am I worried that Greece will turn into the next Nazi Germany? No.
Am I worried though that as things grow progressively worse they may turn towards a darker alternative because they have lost trust in the 2 front-runner parties at the moment (Socialists, and Conservatives)?
The alternatives are even more frightening when you look at who's waiting in the wings:

The Communist Party of Greece, intent on nationalising businesses and abolishing capitalism.
The right-wing LAOS party which is nationalistic and xenophobic

Either way, the situation is growing closer and closer for Greeks to make a vital mistake at the polls. Wether it's voting in any of the alternatives above, or a new extremist party hell-bent on purging the nation through force, I just hope it's not a mistake that will lead to any serious repercusions.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 02:37 PM
yes hitler was bad doesnt mean there isnt just as likely of a chance for someone good to be on top

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 02:42 PM
Greece does not have the military capability or even the ability to create one to ever be considered a threat to anyone. Totally different scenarios.

They also are a fraction of the size of Germany without the infrastructure so even if they get someone worse than Hitler there's not much of an effect it will have outside of their state.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Konstantinos

Instead of voting for the lesser of two evils, the people of Greece have a better, yet harder road that they could take.

They could let it all crumble to the ground. That may sound crazy but I see no other way for any nation to rebuild it's system unless the current system is scrapped alltogether.

I don't believe Greece could ever become a "Nazi Germany", but I agree that the conditions in which the Nazi party was bred is currently being incubated in Greece.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 02:53 PM
Spain is also looking dodgey today along the announcements of widespread strikes expected in the UK at the end of month. I do believe the EU may be starting to unravel. oh dear.

if you get a chance people should watch the footage of the protests in greece and spain. anyone who had any doubts that we are all living with in a police state across europe will soon have a change of heart.

to see unarmed protesters sitting down just being battered with batons by the riot police in spain was disgusting. i dont know how they get the riot police to batter their own citizens, their own brothers and sisters? so many of the riot police seem to take great delight in this. what is wrong with these poeple who see nothing wrong swinging batons at peaceful protesters sitting down and trying to crack their skulls open.

this is going to get very ugly.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by thegoods724
yes hitler was bad doesnt mean there isnt just as likely of a chance for someone good to be on top

Populations arent known to make wise electoral decisions when under duress.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 02:56 PM
Greece was never the country to start wars. If anything we showed in WW2 that we dont take lightly facists... thats why italians and germans got raped here.
Greece was small but always strong. And we are the last country to create any kind of problems described as above. If anything we would rush to help others.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 02:58 PM
kro32 & Alda: As I said, I'm not worried about Greece becoming the next Nazi Germany and starting a world war. Sorry if that was unclear.

In general what I fear is the potential for disaster being invited at the polls.

If the Communists win, they abolish capitalism. This will most likely lead to Greece pulling out of the EU. Being that they are no longer a trusted democracy, they could also be expelled from NATO.

Geographically speaking, Greece is almost surounded by enemies (Turkey, FYROM, some would argue that even Albania is hostile towards Greece).
So then you could have a situation where the Greeks would consider themselves vulnerable...
What's to stop NATO or the EU at that point (since Greece will still owe tons of money) from launching a pre-emptive strike to re-establish democracy in Greece?

This is once hypothetical scenario that what worries me....

edit on 15-6-2011 by Konstantinos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Alda1981
Greece was never the country to start wars. If anything we showed in WW2 that we dont take lightly facists... thats why italians and germans got raped here.
Greece was small but always strong. And we are the last country to create any kind of problems described as above. If anything we would rush to help others.

May want to check your history there

Greece in the past was one of the most warring parts of the world.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by kro32

Originally posted by Alda1981
Greece was never the country to start wars. If anything we showed in WW2 that we dont take lightly facists... thats why italians and germans got raped here.
Greece was small but always strong. And we are the last country to create any kind of problems described as above. If anything we would rush to help others.

May want to check your history there

Greece in the past was one of the most warring parts of the world.

Which country wasn't at the ages you meant...? All world was at that time.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by Konstantinos

What I found interesting in the article written by Paul Mason Economics Editor for Newsnight. " This should be a warning sign to policymaking elite. The mainstream-whether its media, political or business people are beginning to be seen illegimate to large numbers of people." This point was being made due to the hostility and treatment of those he spoke about by the general population of Greece. It is also beginning to be seen by the general population of other areas of the world as well. Therefore his warning should be heard loud and clear by TPTB.

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