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unbiblical beliefs on beast 666 antchrist

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posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 05:32 AM
i wanted to make this post because of something i read last night.

first off i do believe that as the word says there will be an end times, and that there will be a beast etc 666 etc.however i think the general opinon of this is totally out of wack with what the bible says. there are so many false beliefs and teachings about this subject, and it will not be as everyone thinks it will be.

the apostacy is happening right now. but that doesnt mean all the christians are going to turn into buddists and there wont be any more bible believing people on earth. i think it means that the church itself will change from correct beliefs into the deception will come from the churchs. churchs today (many of them) are either one of two extrems. either they are like rome, keeping people in bondage to FALSE man made doctrines and a works based faith or they are on another extreme consisting of supposedly a "five fold" ministry with "modern day prophets and apostles" opening themselves up to a host of "spirits" which they claim are the Spirit Of Truth , even though they never test these spirits and often what they say does not happen (actually in some churchs now they teach a MAJOR LIE that NO PROPHET OF GOD IS EVER 100% accurate and that the current chruch is on something like 80% accuracy..this is a TOTAL LIE seeing as every TRUE prophet of God is inspired by Gods spirit which is always 100% correct) Then of course theres the whole prosperity gospel...make sure you get to church so God will give you money and bless you etc (again the bible says that anyone who believe God is a means to enrichment is believing a LIE!) there are a HOST of other false teachings and cults out there...from kingdom theology to churchs who are so into the occult that they could give expansive lectures to pagans! then there are the conspiracy mindset teachings that have crept into the church. some believe that the devil and his minons or the church of rome have infultrated the churchs and put in false believes occult teachings and ecumenaism but at the end of the day it is the churchs responsibilities to test all things, hold fast to that which is good , be wise in the ways of goodness and be simple in the ways of evil. unfortunitly the COMPLETE OPPOSITE has happened with people embracing falsehood and rejecting the truth.

the church today is moving so fast away from God that it can hardly be called Gods church. there are still good churchs out there, dont get me point is that sometimes the very last place you expect to find delusions and lies are the very places full of them.

ive ranted off about the churchs but my main focus is on all the stuff out there about "antichrist." the main thing that bugs me is that everyone seems tio think they know hows its going to happen, that the beast appears, signs a treaty with Israel then after 3 or 7 yrs jesus comes back. But is that what jesus actually said?? didnt he say NO ONE KNOWS THE HOUR?? and that he will COME AS A THEIF AND WILL COME WHEN NO ONE EXPECTS HIM?? thats the complete opposite of this tightly conceived idea that its a 7 yr trib and all the jesus freaks go home to heave. jesus told those who believe him to WATCH always for his coming. but if the trib teachings about jesus returning are right..that means that jesus would return when he is expected because the world would be in such tribulation. i think that view is wrong, although i do believe in revelations, jesus said that his coming would be like in noahs day or sodom and gormorrah..they were going about life normally right up untill the flood/fire came. the question is written in the bible "will the son of man find faith when he comes???" right after a whole string of things are mentioned that show enough evidence that justify its a rhetorical question that answers itself...there will be NO(or little) FAITH when jesus comes back.

what do you all think about this?? everyone harps on and on about antichrist etc but the letters in the bible that mention this spirit are not to the secular world or to non believers..its TO THE CHURCH!

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 08:54 PM

I agree with the first part of your post. I also agree with the part about no man knowing when the "catching up" will happen, but I cant agree with there not being a 7 year trib. I dont have my Bible right here in front of me now, so I cant give exact verses, but will look up if i need to.

I believe that once Isreal signs the treaty that starts the tribulation. for the first 3 1/2 years while the two witness are at the wailing wall, that is when the antichrist is in control. At the end of the first 3 1/2 years, and God allows the witness to be killed, and the antichrist is killed and brought back, that this is the begining of the great tribulation.

a un countable number will come to Christ during this time and hope to make it through alive till Christ touches down on Mt Olives.
So if in revelations it gives a 7 year period, then I have to go with that. I have heard both ways of a pre and post trib, but I believe it will be pre. Again though I agree with ya that no one not even Jesus Christ Himself knows when the Father will send him back for the rapture.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by TruthStrgnrThanFiction
i wanted to make this post because of something i read last night.

...the main thing that bugs me is that everyone seems tio think they know hows its going to happen, that the beast appears, signs a treaty with Israel then after 3 or 7 yrs jesus comes back. But is that what jesus actually said?? didnt he say NO ONE KNOWS THE HOUR?? and that he will COME AS A THEIF AND WILL COME WHEN NO ONE EXPECTS HIM?? thats the complete opposite of this tightly conceived idea that its a 7 yr trib and all the jesus freaks go home to heave.

The Bible credits him with having said that yes. But we have to understand the concept of "thief." in the context as well of him coming again on A white horse (Rev 19:11) or With a shout (Th4:16) or in a cloud, the same way he ascended (Acts 1:11). All of these can mean only one thing in my opinion, which differs to the pundits; we are not supposed to know when he arrives (as a thief) to walk among us. This has to be taken in a different context to when he returns to defeat evil among men, and banish satan for a thousand years.

In short: The beast will have manifested itself already, for the last 40 years and two months (1/2) of the 7 year reign, yet Christ will be walking upon the earth as well. By the time Babylon falls, the days of the true believers will be over, those whose names are entered into the book of life, of the dead and the living, will not be changed by last minute converts who do so falsely, those who believe and are alive will know he is here, they are to spread the word that the end is approaching. At the end of the 7 years, his final and seen, appearance is made known.

what do you all think about this?? everyone harps on and on about antichrist etc but the letters in the bible that mention this spirit are not to the secular world or to non believers..its TO THE CHURCH!

I agree it is directed at the churches, man does not need the church to find faith within himself, and the church is not specific to a religion.

To the poster who raised the question of the seven years, whether it is years or 2,520 years as some profess. Rev: 12:5:6 suggests Christ's return as a thief, which lasts for 42 months (1/2 of 7 years ), and the beasts reign for 42 months (Rev.13:5). The two combined are assumed to be 7 years, which supposedly coincides with Daniel frm of expression of seventy weeks (10:24)

Fact is, everyone can find some sort of argument to make just about any verse in the Bible fit into whatever scenario they wish. Who is correct? No one knows for sure.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 12:46 PM
what i know about 666 is that, is the number of the devil and his follower,so to be studying or discussing more about it is like we want to more about the devil.Being a christian what you should be thinking is about what will Jesus do.? What will the children or follower Jesus do?

By then we need to be temple of God.....

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:22 AM
alright now, much to say about 666. from my experience, if people are waiting to hear from the media or some outlet that all will have to receive this mark/chip. you're waiting for nothing. you got at least one already. and maybe im just beating a dead horse here. maybe im just speaking to a bunch of goddamn postmen, spies, etc but maybe, just maybe someone whos not a deceptive bastard is reading this.

this beast system been going for years, maybe even thousands of years. suppression is a bitch. theres all types of magic tricks you can do with these rfid chips. people who believe lies could possibly be subdued even further. ghosts, spirits, and any other of the spiritually mundane can be implemented with these chips, yeah even cyanide. if theres a universal rfid reader out there that could read all tags, someone could purchase one and see if they have any implants in them. you may find one in your head, either arm, either leg, stomach, bottom of the feet, neck, or all of the above. thats called a bodysuit, i should know.

i used to be a bible thumper myself. i think the bible is a tool the powers to be are using. i dont believe in a god to worship. think about it, who wants to be/ who is worshipped? actors, actresses, judges, modern day kings and queens, etc. worship for ones own glory. if this guy jesus was real he made some sense. i also think they put plenty and plenty and plenty of words in his mouth. maybe he made a lot of sense. maybe he never even condemned anyone to hell. maybe he never even believed in a god. disinformation shows you how far the powers to be will go in order to keep us under their control. i still believe in a rapture. i want to believe, i want it to be real because its all so fake down here. machines are taking human jobs while the humans become more machine like.

i dont know what to believe about dualities. from my standpoint there is evil, there is good. evil wants control over your own life. you are not your own worst enemy. some people who use that term are evil. maybe good and evil isnt about what you do but who you are and what you know.

like i said, theres alot of cool bar tricks out there, its all technology. "demons" walk around and live life like any other being. the difference is they use deceit and very clever tactics.

when i was really in the bible, looking up info on 666 i never questioned the fact that people could implant their own animals for safety or for spying. now wuts stopping someone from implanting the device in another being?

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by TruthStrgnrThanFiction

the 7 tr tribulation is not biblical, but then again i believe the traditional historicst view.

the confiming of the covenant with many

Daniel 9:27

happened way back when christ came the first time his death making the temple worship sytem obsolete.

so everyone looking to this as part of a 7yr trib is barking up the wrong tree completely

all the best

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