Very relevant thread that deserves the flag and star , its like the old salesman trick , ?
And which color would you prefer the red one or the white one , before you have even decided its worth buying?
It's the latest basis for all advertising. Being the new TV channel ads but way more personalized to the demographic. News feeds on certain sites,
networking, and search sites are very tailored to each person's last clicks because of tracking cookies.
There is only one person doing what I'm doing on the net and most can figure that out.
But I am not the only one blocked from the truth because everyone else is as well.
Open up a box of goodies that will set the record straight is what we seek.
If anyone cares.
Hulu still shows me Tampax commercials... Does the Interwebs know something I don't?
Why would you be relying on these kinds of sites for news anyways? Reddit, Digg (before it imploded) and other "respected" blogs are where I get my
news and I find that I'm severely more informed than anyone else I know... This saddens me.