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"House Republicans Cut Food Assistance For Low-Income Families While Protecting Azaleas"

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posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 12:39 PM
The Reublican Party is anti-human, such things as this is the proof.

Everyday people across the country leave their homes in search of work, only to return at the end of the day with more worries and less hope," said Rep. Sam Farr (D-Calif.), the agriculture subcommittee's ranking member. "At a time that people continue to struggle to make ends meet, Republicans want to cut funding to food programs that are helping put food on the tables of those most in need."

"Governing is about choices. It is clear where the House majority’s priorities lie -- and it is not with those of the American people," said Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), a strong WIC advocate, in a statement. "These cuts are unconscionable and will not only hurt families trying to survive, but also hurt our economy."

"We understand that we have an obligation to get our fiscal house in order," added Farr. "And Democrats are ready to work with our friends across the isle to make that happen, but not by discriminately targeting those most in need.”

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 12:45 PM
Here is a clear instance that, despite what Alex Jones and conspiracy theorists say about the left right paradigm; this is a clear instance in the difference between one group and the other. Of course there are instances where the two parties converge and both due anti-human activities, primarily in foreign policy and instances like the patriot act.

But in terms of helping ordinary human beings amongst the US population and the world, the Republicans are evil on all levels.

edit on 14-6-2011 by inforeal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 12:47 PM
i would rather seem them start cutting in foreign policy first but I don't see nothing wrong with this. It eventually will be done either by cutting it or running out of money.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 12:48 PM
if they would cut the military budget
in half, they could feed ALL of America
for about 5 yrs with the savings.
just my opinion

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by txraised254

Your incorrect, the US is far from running out of money. That is just false propaganda by the anti-human Republicans so they could do things like cut food assistance to the poor. . . . Particularly since most of those poor are black and brown people.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 12:56 PM
Maybe if the Democrats could actually create a budget (first time ever with no budget when Dems owned the White House, Senate, and House) we wouldn't be in the state where there isn't enough money to give free handouts to half the citizens in America.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Leftist soros propaganda machine the huffington post says republicans want to starve poor families oh my! Teach a man to fish and he will never starve keep giving man fish and you will both starve. The democrats love giving you what you "need" to survive so you will depend on them for everything and vote for them over and over and over.....nevermind the fact that these cuts are being implimented after discovery of people using govt aid to gamble ect in casinos and buy drugs and disease causing sugar foods and on and horrible of those mean republicans to take away peoples drug money

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by jjkenobi

It was the democrats under Bill Clinton who last balanced the Budget. Ronald Reagan, a Republican, ballooned the budget because of his defense spending. Then Bill Clinton raised Taxes on the Rich and the budget got balanced. The second George Bush, a Republican, ballooned it again because of his tax cuts for the rich, and illegal and immoral war in Iraq, and his trillion dollar bailout of the rich.

These are facts, people here don’t look at facts; they merely go by their brainwashing and dogma.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Victor03

Where are your facts to back up what you write. Post a link or somthing, rather than sprouting dogma you heard from some Republican liar.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 01:21 PM
Unfortunately, of all of the programs that could be cut, they chose to cut the one that is the most restrictive on what can be bought, how much, ect. Nothing like the food stamp program, it sucks for this program to have been cut.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by txraised254
i would rather seem them start cutting in foreign policy first but I don't see nothing wrong with this. It eventually will be done either by cutting it or running out of money.

Right, feed the azaleas then the people.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Victor03
reply to post by inforeal

Leftist soros propaganda machine the huffington post says republicans want to starve poor families oh my! Teach a man to fish and he will never starve keep giving man fish and you will both starve. The democrats love giving you what you "need" to survive so you will depend on them for everything and vote for them over and over and over.....nevermind the fact that these cuts are being implimented after discovery of people using govt aid to gamble ect in casinos and buy drugs and disease causing sugar foods and on and horrible of those mean republicans to take away peoples drug money

You're right, drug traffickers frequently accept WIC cards in exchange for dope and casinos with gambling chips. Some of the disease causing sugar foods that can be bought with a WIC card are: milk, eggs, dried beans, peanut butter... Kill the hungry women and children and save the azaleas!!!!

edit on 14-6-2011 by wildoracle13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Victor03
reply to post by inforeal

Teach a man to fish and he will never starve keep giving man fish and you will both starve.

Too bad your idols have poisoned all the fish.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 02:26 PM
Food can be had for next to nothing anyway.

My wife just started "couponing" and it's amazing how much food you can get completely free.

We just got a years worth of pasta, price (?) - $0.00.

This is with no public assistance or anything.

Help yourselves people, no one is going to go hungry because of this.
edit on 14-6-2011 by SevenBeans because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 03:39 PM
Both sides are just a guilty for the mess that the country is in. Neither is innocent and have at times bloated and wasted the countries money. Democrats love their pet projects as much as the Republicans do, and do not just blame the Republicans for the mess or the spending. After all it was a congress under Democratic control that spent money and sent it to places, like Africa for: Teaching men proper hygiene, when the entire country is in the midst of a serious recession. That neither helps the country or anyone. And was it not the Democrats, who were in charge for the past 4 years, with a majority in Congress and the White house, with the numbers to pass legislation to do something and ultimate just wasted more tax payer money with useless laws and spending? Or how about those job and unemployment numbers that the Democrats managed to misrepresent to the people? After all how they were doing it with the census was enough to give you an idea: Hire one person, fire them and hire them back: See 2 jobs created or saved. And is it not the Democrats that raid Social Security when they are short of money that is causing a problem with that program as it stands right now? After all it is easy to say cut this program or that program, but when the chips are down, not one congressman or woman is willing to make the concessions or the cuts that would affect their states. It is always the other persons state, not one there is willing to give. Someone suggested cutting the military budget, yet mention that to a senator or rep in your state with a military base and they will do the side step fast talk so they can not do such.
But there is a side note to all of this, so they cut the food stamp budget, what incentive has there been for people to go out and get a job and take any job so far? None, the government has handed out to the point where it can no longer afford to hand out and it is high time we start helping ourselves, pound the pavement and get the economy back on track by going back to work. And what of the jobs that is saved by keeping this program going? Or the fact that it is encouraged that they gather private donations?
Yes it is easy to say increase taxing the rich, yet is that not like saying, if you are successful you are going to be punished? After all is it not the rich and wealthy that give far more than the rest of the country and pay more in taxes every year? Are we to blame them for being successful in their efforts and business dealings? Everyone says they do not pay their fair share, yet no one wants to see what they do with their money. They don’t sleep with it under their mattress, or hoard it, they donate, they give to the charity of their choice, they make endowments that benefit everyone, and it is their choice. Raise up the taxes on them, and it may mean that we may lose a valuable asset that the country can not ill afford to lose. It is their money that they put back into the system that has kept the economy going, and ultimately the richest people in the USA did it through hard work, innovation and making sure to protect their assets. Don’t think that for one moment that increasing the tax on the rich will go unnoticed, and the moment that it starts to hurt them, you are going to hurt yourselves in the long run, as they will pull back on what they put in.
Think it is easy to balance the budget, it is not, cause many people fail to see the long term effect of the budget that they propose. Many people tend to think, cut this or that, but don’t realize that it could have an effect that they are not prepared for, or could effect their state. Policies of the US being generous needs to reverse and stop, we need to focus more on our own country and less about giving aid to other countries, or promising millions that the country does not have to spend.
The bottom line is that this is a problem not caused by one party or the other, rather it is due to both and We the people with our hands out, instead of trying to do it ourselves.

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