posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 11:39 PM
Doing things in your sleep can be dangerous. I'm glad I don't sleepwalk. My brother has or had that problem though. He told me that he even took
his gun out and took a lock off and then loaded it and then shot it through a door all in his sleep. Of course the gunshot woke him up and scared
him. I believe what scared him is that he did all this in his sleep. He's been very careful what he watches on tv now before he goes to sleep. He
doesn't want to fight it out with anyone in his dreams because that could be trouble.
I don't sleepwalk but I can talk in my sleep and apparently carry on a conversation. I had an annoying roomate who once told me he tried an
experiment when I started talking but he wouldn't tell me what we discussed. Oh well, whatever it was can't possibly be better than getting in an
argument with me while I was sleeping. He said I kept telling him to Get Out!
I thought that was so funny when he told me and he didn't realize I was sleeping. He was arguing about how unfair that was since he paid half
the rent etc. etc.
Seriously though sleep walking or calling can be dangerous or hazardous to your pocketbook. Hope you don't call one of those expensive overseas