posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by no1smootha
I"m along with a number of the other replies here.
There is the idea that our time here is schooling. Like you surely, I have looked at many ideas, but maybe unlike you, I have fallen into many of them
and spent time observing from within some idea, or framework, or context of thought.
I have found that often it is easy to fall into these thought patterns, these belief systems, and that mostly it is not so easy to get out. Nor out
entirely, I suppose.
However, one near constant theme within so many of these concepts of our reality is the one where this is a school. Though I cannot say that this is
true, I find that it is the one that is most workable for me at this time.
The trappings of this life are cracking up as you point out. I like to think that, that which we are learning in this time will be of value to us in
our next time, our continued time. In our next place or places.
I know this wait until the next world idea is a cop out, but then I ask the question, just what am I copping our OF. I can look around just like
anyone else and I have come to the conclusion that I am not copping out on much, if this is all there is. You know? Because when all this is added
up, it makes no sense to me if this is all there is. The deck is stacked and so what? If this is all there is.
I'm really quite excited actually.