posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 01:21 AM
When Secret Tricks Launch the Nations' Ships of War: On Sorcery, Witchcraft, and Black Magic
This is
(10) Sorcery, Black Magic, Witchcraft
In the List of Secret Science I wrote I would post on in my previous Thread on revealing ``The Secret Sciences of Secret Societies.``
"Maybe there's a reason the sorcerer's of fairy tales live in castles. They create the "devine" miracles that make the rulers seem in favor of
the gods."
Sorcery, Witchcraft, and Black Magic: Ruled By Secrecy
What I probably wont discuss because I dont know much about is sorcery, witchcraft, and black magic, which I can tell you has been used
extensively in secret societies creating ancient religions. One example may be religious doctrine or supplementary text that discusses signs, for
example if you see this sign or that sign it means this will be favorable or that wont be favorable. The ancient sorcerers would rule by creating
these signs they have incorporated in the religions they had made while their religious texts would discuss the signs being caused by the gods.
Extending the Power of Sorcery Through False Caustion Propaganda "Signs of the Favor of Gods"
It could mean creating superstitous or miraculous signs from the gods by using sorcerery to make animals behave in unusually manners, among other
things, that was chosen to be the religious sign for a successful war, to convince the "leaders" and people to go to war, or signs for any other
reason. At the appearance of the sign it would be propagated among the nation that the gods had shown them favor and success in battle and have
demonstrated it by showing them this sign. If the secret societies had much to loose from battle they may have created bad luck signs to discourage
the nation from going to war.
They would instill fear of their bad luck signs by creating them whenever the people encountered tradegy, torment, and loss. They would instill
trust in their good luck signs by creating them whenever great things happend. The biggest secret among sorcerers is concealing that the real cause of
their influences is sorcery and to attribute its causes to other "sources" or to create the illusion other forms of power being the cause of
sorcery. Sorcery has been very often been the real source behind phony sources. From my experience I believe the Church relies on cults they have
created for breeding and training people in this field whose religous observances revolve around sorcery, black magic, and witchcraft. Ive heard one
of these cults is The White Brothers in Ukraine. Ive also heard jokes from villagers in Latin America of a priest going out to perform lude acts with
a donkey every morning at sun rise. At the time I heard these jokes I didnt understand until learning much later that there is a form of sorcery
which involves mistreating animals in this way. Its no coincidence that one of the west's oldest heroes, Hercules, was said to have been born when
their father god turned into an animal and impregnated a woman, an act glorifying the most perverse relations with an animal and indirectly evil forms
of power. How many people of the ancient world must of thought that Hercules' mom had won the lottery. I will end on the note that this stuff is
completely evil, disgusting, abusive, and horrable in every possible way the means and its ends.
Sorcery has been used throughout time to create many of the ancient religious signs that rule ats and minds of people. The deeds of sorcerers are
suppose to always be hiddin in false causation never to be traced back to sorcerers. This is done by destorying any knowledge, books, or records of
what sorcerery can accomplish and how it really works. The deeds are socerers are not only hidden from being traced back to them so that they can
attribute their signs to other causes such as to gods, spirits, demons, etc, but their deeds are also wrapped in poetry, beautified, glorified, the
propaganda that makes the things sorcerers can do appear incredibly special and awe inspiring. The propaganda of the deeds of sorcerers' is what
give the signs they create power over the hearts, minds, and destinies of people. What can you expect from a person when they are made to see
something they can only describe as being so incredibly amazing, beyond belief, phenomenal, out of this world, and miraculous.
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