posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:10 PM
my mother was raised catholic, white linen, proper the whole bit. she left the catholic church when us kids(3) were toddlers. she tried the assembly
of god, a few others, and then baptist when we moved to florida. she was happier in a bible thumping church, but no tamberines. i was raised in
church and when i turned 21, i was disgusted with the politics of it. it was not what i was taught as a child. i thought this is useless! why
should i live by these rules, when no one else does? i prayed one last time, and said i will forget all of this, i didnt choose it, and asked god to
let me go. if later down the road, someone preached to me, and it made sense, i then would choose to follow, or continue my own path. 20 years
later, out of the blue, i felt God whisper in my ear. late one night, he said you would be moved by january 1st. I told my wife about this, and let
it go. a few weeks later, i was reminded in much the same manner. we decided to develop some property we had @ the gulf of mexico, and move there.
as time went on we had road blocks that slowed things to a stop. it was now december, and i was now getting sick to my stomach over this instruction
that i was not following. this entire time, i am not praying or religous, or even reading the bible, nothing! december 31st, my wife informed me we
were going to the movies, with her bff and husband. we went to a small church that showed Fireproof. it was an ok movie. the next day i woke up
diferent. not a choice but like a thirst in the middle of the night that you cant quench, type of thirst. i started reading the bible, books,
looking for preachers on tv, that preached on what ive read. for 20 years i, had never reached succsess in business, marriage, or fatherhood like
the peace i have now. the bible i read as a child was a different book, than what i read now. it spoke to me and my heart. There is no proof of
anything, if you want to prove something wrong. but the relationship that i have with my Jesus and god is a private one between us, and i feel the
love much the same that i have for my toddlers. that cant be reproduced! it is genuine, and if you want what i have, ask for it. i am blessed that
he came to me. maybe he chose me so that i can tell you?