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Why Christianity Doesn't make sense to me

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posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 09:56 AM

You touched a point there, marketing practices target the very sensible part of human and that is the need to believe and they get away with it marketing practices that promised a relief pill to make your life happier and they are even giving this to children making them dependant from and earlier start and this children grow up with not sense of how to work out their problems.

The first time I got a prescription to a happy (drug that is how I call it) I took the prescription because the doctor actually made me feel that the pill will take care of my stress and I was vulnerable at the time, I took one pill and I felt like It was not me anymore I felt like I was in a make believe world.

I did not took any more I got myself some relaxation CD's and got better without the happy pill and I learned something I was able to work it out, and if the situation comes again I know what to do because I learn to deal with it by myself.

[edit on 8-8-2004 by marg6043]

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by junior_smith
Christianity doesn't work for me for many reasons but the one particular reason is the following:

if there is a perfectly good atheist, who has a perfect life he does nothing bad, he won't go to heaven

but a mass murderer who beggs forgiveness, by saying hail-mary's or whatever, can go to heaven; even though he was a horrible person and may still be a horrible person

please help me out if i am wrong, this is what my friendas paster said to him after he asked his paster about the above.
thx for any help

[edit on 7-8-2004 by junior_smith]

First, let me ask you: Why do you think anyone's going to heaven? Why have the two resurrections if people are going off to heaven, or as many assume, hell?

If a person studies the Scriptures seriously, it shows a completely different doctrine than what is popular and taught mainstream. It shows that all of mankind -- the atheist as well as the justified -- will go to sheol. Sheol is a dimension. In sheol there is no thought, no memory, no praising, nothing. This is why Yahushua the messiah refers to it as "sleep." There is no awareness of anything. In my study of it I can give you my opinion of what it's like. If you have ever had surgery where they put you to sleep, that would be about what it's like. You're knocked out one minute, then you're awake the next. You may have been sleeping for hours under the anesthesia, but you have no awareness of it.

If you also study what a human being consists of, it will help you gain an understanding of what is going to be brought back in the resurrection. In the 2nd resurrection, which is the general resurrection, all of mankind will have a chance to know Yahweh -- even the atheist.


posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 12:46 PM
when every word of the bible is taken literaly, it makes god out to be the biggest dick in the universe. why would anyone choose to serve such a god is completely beyond me. the thing is there is no such thing as a christian that takes every word of the bible literaly. and if there was, there probally on death row or something.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by mutehalo
when every word of the bible is taken literaly, it makes god out to be the biggest dick in the universe. why would anyone choose to serve such a god is completely beyond me. the thing is there is no such thing as a christian that takes every word of the bible literaly. and if there was, there probally on death row or something.

I see lots of people saying take the Bible literally, but I wish that they would explain what they mean. Do you mean take the Bible literally such as in using the English translation? If so, no, I don't take that literally at all. You would come up with hardly any truth. Another thing is that I probably look at it differently.

What I trust about the Scriptures are that they are Yahweh given. He gave his wonderful word to mankind so we can learn about him. I trust that it holds authority. Also, this book is written in such a way that one must follow the guidelines set forth therein. This book holds the most valuable treasure that is in existence that is far greater than gold or any of the most precious jewels, but in order to find this treasure one must follow the rules and guidelines of this treasure map. Since finding these treasures requires one to study the meanings of the original language, or as close as you can get to the original, then to me that is part of the journey in searching for the treasure--which is eternal life!

Yes, it's very time-consuming and tedious. You might spend a month or more just studying one doctrinal thing, for example, the underlying word in the English for "soul" is the Hebrew "nephesh." But the whole meaning of this has been lost over time. "Nephesh" means a creature with oxygen in the blood. Humans are a living nephesh and so are animals. This word does not mean that you have a separate entity inside you as the word "soul" seems to indicate, which the whole concept was borrowed from pagan Greeks and later carried over into Christianity from the Pharisees.


posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Tiza
But the whole meaning of this has been lost over time. "Nephesh" means a creature with oxygen in the blood. Humans are a living nephesh and so are animals. This word does not mean that you have a separate entity inside you as the word "soul" seems to indicate, ...

Why do I find humor in thoughts that begin "the whole meaning has been lost" and end with "Here's what it really means"?

Regardless, I thought I would point out a few logical errors in your argument. First, you assign "original" meaning to a word based on knowledge that the "original" speakers of the word would not have. Oxygen in the blood is a pretty advanced concept. Second, you say what it does not mean based on one comparison. That same comparison could be used to argue that animals have souls. Third, you seem to base your conclusion from that one word, and do not take into consideration the word ruwach.

take care.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 03:02 AM
Here's the conclusion I've come up with. Either you die with, or without God. In the first circumstance, you go to Heaven. In the other, you don't.

In the case of the Christians, they put the extra weight on by assuming that God not only judges our acts, but also our very thoughts!Okay, fine. There are religions that ask even more of their followers.

If curbing thoughts that do nothing but eat up brain cells at best, and further the fall of my soul at worst is required, then what the heck? After all, "coveting" is as much a sin of the mind as it is of the flesh. (Look it up in the dictionary. You'll probably agree.)

[edit on 9-8-2004 by Toelint]

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 03:46 AM
If I would choose to believe in a God, I would not choose the christian God. First of all I think it's a strange thought that all humans who ever lived will be resurrected all at once to be judged by God. Sounds like Monty Python to me. Here we have son from a religious, wealthy family going to church every sunday being accepted into heaven. And there we have the poor child from Africa who died at 3 years age from starvation, who never even had the chance to learn anything about any christian God. "Down to Hell with him." Oh yeah, that's really a just and fair race for heaven.

If iI believed I would choose to believe in reincarnation through many lives, where the soul has the opportunity to develop and learn from mistakes previously done, reaching a ever higher state of consciousness. That would be fair. It would also be more along the lines with how everything else in the Universe works, how life steadily evolves.

That is, if I belived... And maybe I do.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 08:09 PM
People and denominations can make christianity and the Bible seem complicated. It's not. People have been seperated from God by sin. This seperation is now and eternally but doesn't need to be. Christ came and paid the death sentence sin demanded. When an individual comes to that realization and believes upon Jesus Christ, his/her sins are forgiven and Christ enters that life. After that you will desire to know Him and be changed.

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