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The ATS Conspiracy PT 1

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posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 09:19 AM
YEAH mods, explanation please??

posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 10:13 AM
Don't fret over this, I think this another one of the "ats" bugs that causes this. I've seen it with many new members-mostly ones who have yet to post anything.
Why in the world are you guys getting all paranoid? Did M@ster Bl@ster and his friends really have this much of an affect on you? Can you honestly think of any reason that ATS would be against you or hiding something? After I'm sure all the years that people have come here and said "We know something!!" Blah Blah Blah??? Everyone knows something and yet-nothing. Try to calm down a bit and think rationally for a second. And mostly-if I thought this board or any board was against me or "out to get me" I'd simply leave...
Sincerely Magestica

posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 10:29 AM
During the whole Baez controversy there was a post dated in 1970, it was stated that the mods must be behind it because of the date changing but I wonder how many date bugs pop up that go unnoticed.


posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 10:57 AM
I just read all this crazy bullsh!t posted here and on the other blocked topic.

Even if all that what MB, Kingpin etc... say is true, (the European Elite taking over the U.S.) They still have to go trough 280 million people who have a firm, core belief that their country is the most powerful in the world and that it has the most powerful economy. And millions more, perhaps billions believe the same. Core beliefs are very powerful things, possibly more than anything else ever in the history of the Universe.

They (the beliefs) determine what happens in this reality, mainly because they are habits of thoughts and they determine what we put our attention on. And in my opinion, thoughts (enfused with emotion) are what creates everything around us. Experiments in quantum physics have shown that people are able to determine what an particle does, just by observing it. There is even speculation (and conclusions) by major q. ph. and scientist that something only exists when it is observed.

Anyway, as you read and realise what I'm talking about, you will come to the conclusion that if even 10% of the U.S. population and 1% of the world have a firm, core belief that the U.S. of A. is the most powerful country in the world. It will be very hard to stop it from being so, even for any European elite (unless they have the concentration capabilities and discipline of mind of a buddhist monk or a yogi or the such). It will take an immense amount of energy to surpass a very popular American belief. I guarantee you that.

The only thing that can bring down the U.S. in my opinion is the fear of the people themselves (which includes paranoia, something which IMHO is shown lots of times here on ATS).

For those who have read my posts about mind power, which were mostly in the religious and paranormal forums. Have you ever realised that this could be true, that you have immense power and capabilities? Maybe you've thought this over, as youve been reading the posts made by me and lost of other members and got all excited about what the possibilities would be had you known how to use and implement the power of your mind, attention, beliefs and thoughts? While you remember those thoughts and feelings, realise the feeling of power you will have when you know that NO NWO elite groups will EVER have ANY power over you if you don't allow it!!!
As you think about this immense topic, keep in mind that some users here have done some amazing things, creating energy balls, astral projection and other great things which they posted about.

This is, in my opinion... Is TRUE democracy and true liberty. There was a very wise man who said once that you can move a mountain with faith, the size of a mustard seed. I think with the word "faith", he ment faith in that you can do it, faith in who you really are and faith in what he said was true.

That's all for now my ATS frrrriends...

posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 11:57 AM
I think the MODS had a good laugh.

How mephistophelian of them.

[Edited on 30-3-2003 by Lysergic]

posted on Mar, 30 2003 @ 01:37 PM
I think people being on conspriacy sites for too long has brainwashed their fragile minds to lead them to believe there's an actual conspriacy here on lol

PS. I'm behind all this

posted on Mar, 31 2003 @ 08:08 AM
Hey, I remember a user named Tamaya(think itwas) Crowne I saw about mmmm... 2 weeks ago. Any relation to our beloved TC?


posted on Mar, 31 2003 @ 10:31 AM
I saw her too - was tanya crowne. I just presumed she was TC's wife

posted on Mar, 31 2003 @ 10:31 AM
man i just read the main post on this subject, you know, the 3 page reply come that post wont let u post any new replies? anyway. that reply from the refugee who was 'threatened' w/ the copy & paste U2U was crazy...the U2U was SO condescending and rude. i really hope it WAS fake and that thomas crowne is not really like that. i sent thomas crowne a U2U regarding the 'refugees' last week and he was nice to me in his reply.......but there IS something wrong going on in's fishy....

also, it that particular 'refugees' posts, he kept typing certain letters in his words that did not belong there, i wrote them all down, but it didnt spell out any secret message (i think)....unless it was a jumble secret message....HAHAHA.....but tit was weird, it wasnt like they were regular typoes, he would insert extra letters every 3 or 4 words, even between double letters, like 'message' he put 'mesesage'....... anyway if the point of this site was to turn knowledgable one's into skeptics, it has not worked on ME.....

in this case guys, we must look at one's intentions and not their direct actions or words. once we find their intentions we can figure out whats really going on. what did the 'refugee' have to lose? what did thomas crowne have to lose? who's intentions are good and whose are bad?

also i do take computer programming classes and i know that if a server loses power it is considered as a 'dirty' exit, and if nothing was 'commited' then everything (all data) will actually 'rollback' to the last savepoint......but i still dont know if that was the case here, with all the 'deleted' threads and such....

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