posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 12:45 PM
i agree and disagree with some of your statements, however my disagreeing does not make it valid(my opinion) i disagree that indeed those who "pull
the strings" are NOT aliens, or any other interdimensional beings, whether that be reptiles, fish, etc... however i do agree in the sense that they
do posses higher knowledge than the rest of us, that has been passed won from generation to generation...its kind of like knowing what the winning
lottery numbers are going to be every single time. yes i deeply belive that they keep a higher knowledge hidden from the rest of the world, and in
that way they do last LONGER for example, they arent affected by terminal illness such as cancer, aids, or any other form of fatal illness, they
achive this through proper diet(no "flavor" enhancing cehmiacals in their food), and exclusive medications.given all this information i believe that
those "in charge" report to an even BIGGER what that power is whether human or not, and what its purpose unknown to me