posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 05:03 AM
I have come across an article that is inspirational and should give a united voice to all people of this world. To those that see the threat behind
the true agenda of the Bilderberg meetings or not, I would like to hear from everyone if it addresses the fundamental threat to our very existence
and/or freedoms. For me, it does. If it does for you, perhaps this should be sent around the world.
Mods, this could fit in many forums but I thought that the idea of Civil Unrest was best.
Link to article
Selected excerpts
It is in secretive Bilderberg conferences and similar global symposiums where elite consensus is reached about wide-reaching political and economic
goals that potentially affect the lives of billions of people on this planet. Presidents and Prime Ministers who gather at G20 conferences are tasked
with concealing this elite consensus from the people and packaging it in nice words to convince people to buy into it.
I used the term "treason" above to describe what is being done to America and the West by top political, corporate, and media leaders. No political
term is more controversial than
treason. It ranks above terrorism because a society can suffer repeated acts of terrorism and still be in tact and normal, but the same can't be said
for repeated acts of treason.
We live in an age of systematic, transnational, and perpetual treason against government of the people, by the people, for the people. In other words,
it may be too late to hang the bastards. Then again, anything can happen in this crazy world.
Thank you, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts, and whether not that this is worthy to make viral. I personally think it sums up our point in