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Unanswered by the Hidden Hand

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posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 10:20 PM
I recently read through the sequence of postings by the Hidden_Hand (twice). Wish I was around when then was going on. I found it very interesting, sensible and eerily similar to the Ra Law of One

So this was either a commercial promotion, or validation, of those channeled materials. Regardless, I enjoyed.

One area left me questioning and I am hoping to gain some Good Faith insight from other perspectives as to what the answer is. Please refrain from responding if this material does not resonate with you and/or if you intend to respond in a negative way.

According to H_H and Ra, those of us on earth at the time of harvest who have met the minimum requirement of 51% positive progress to the 4th Density Positive. The majority (or "Lukewarms") move to a new 3rd Density to repeat the cycle. Yet those of a 95% negativity progress to a 4th Density Negative.

So my question is, why would the super negatives progress to a 4th Density (regardless of the polarity) while the middle-of-the-roaders remain stuck in the 3rd to do it all over again? There is mention that the Elite will have the opportunity to work off the negative Karma (since they may also go to the 4th Density Negative), so does that mean they will exercise their Free Will to be Good there?

Thanks in advance for your input.


posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by capod2t

I have read all that The Hidden Hand wrote. I first wish to forward you to, if you have not already. To listen to ""

I don't understand it all, but my basic understand is this.

We are not Humans, experiencing a spiritual life. We are spirits, experiencing a human life. We want to "feel creation" at its greatest point.

So perhaps we want a negative vibration so we have 'experienced it'. We are here to experience human lives and when I generalise humans, negativity is the greatest word.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:07 AM

why would the super negatives progress to a 4th Density (regardless of the polarity) while the middle-of-the-roaders remain stuck in the 3rd to do it all over again?

This is only my opinion from when I read the HH posts, and I hope it is of some help.

The object of the game is to learn. One must 'learn' in order to be positive. Nothing teaches a person to be positive better than negativity. Do you not choose to be positive because of negativity?

When a person is being negative they endure the consequences and gain experiences. These experiences eventually impact that person and they learn to be more positive. Of course this does not happen in one single lifetime. Negative beings are closer to positive than neutral beings.

Neutral beings are not learning. They are not positive and they are not negative. They must learn from negative experiences, how to be positive.

Imagine people and life as a race track. There are great drivers and really crummy ones, then there are the ones sitting in neutral. The great drivers advance, so will the crummy ones, but the neutral cars have not even started moving, so they have to stay until they decide to step on it and make choices.

The quick version:

Positive beings -- have made choices and learned from negativity
Negative beings -- are making choices and learning
Neutral beings -- are making few choices, and are learning very little
Choices = experience = evolution

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by capod2t


It might be because they are very determined in their evilness ... just like the good ones are very determined in their goodness ... where as the remaining ones remain undecided.

Advancement is about how determined one is!

Personal Disclosure: I have CHOOSEN to stay in 3D!

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 07:31 AM
Because the Demons won't let go of them and they will be cast into the Leviathan from where they belong, "they" and all of their "attachments".

This 4-D negative is where they will send the Alien/ET/Grey/Demon, and their "attachments" are those who embraced the evil within. They sold their Soul and they will be banished from this place forever along with their captors. Why not 3-D again? Because they do not belong in 3-D as it stands now, they have infiltrated this realm through our Hearts. Why not 4-D Positive? Because Demons do not function well with Love, Truth, Compassion, and Christ. They take and they abuse so they cannot be trusted to learn from their mistakes!

edit on 6/12/2011 by Greensage because: to clarify a bit more

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 12:25 PM
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks to everyone for offering their perspectives.

I have read all that The Hidden Hand wrote. I first wish to forward you to, if you have not already. To listen to ""

Thank you, Gexi.

Negative beings are closer to positive than neutral beings.

Profound, CN. Thank you.

Personal Disclosure: I have CHOOSEN to stay in 3D!

Thank you for your comments, OL.

Because they do not belong in 3-D as it stands now, they have infiltrated this realm through our Hearts.

I will have to contemplate this one, Green. Thank you.

Stars all around!

edit on 12-6-2011 by capod2t because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by capod2t

I think it is important to keep in mind that, according to hidden_hand, the ruling elite he is a part of (or claims to be) are sixth density beings polarized towards the positive, that were entrapped in this earthly realm.

by Hidden_Hand
Because that is the part we have been contracted to play, in this game. In order to "win" (or more accurately to be successful in) the Game, we must be as Negatively Polarized as possible. Service to Self in the extreme. Violence, War, Hatred, Greed, Control, Enslavement, Genocide, Torture, Moral Degradation, Prostitution, Drugs, all these things and more, they serve our purpose. In the Game. The difference between us and you, in the Game, is that we know that we are "playing".

Accordingly to hidden_hand, it is their objective to polarize as much towards the negative as possible, in order to reach 95% negative and be harvested into 4th density. The only alternative for them would be to remain another cycle in 3rd density, which is (understandably) not worthwhile. So, after they progressed into 4th density negative, they will "work-off" the negative karma and return to the sixth density planet they originated from, as they have already progressed from 1st to 5th density, making it unnecessary for them to repeat the whole circle. (Have in mind that they are only entrapped here on this planet and not here for the same reasons we humans are here)!

Originally posted by capod2t
According to H_H and Ra, those of us on earth at the time of harvest who have met the minimum requirement of 51% positive progress to the 4th Density Positive. The majority (or "Lukewarms") move to a new 3rd Density to repeat the cycle. Yet those of a 95% negativity progress to a 4th Density Negative.

So my question is, why would the super negatives progress to a 4th Density (regardless of the polarity) while the middle-of-the-roaders remain stuck in the 3rd to do it all over again?

I think a slight misconception is causing the inconsistencies, so let me try to explain. From the perspective of the Ra-Material (Law of One) there is no good or bad in the universe, as both of these terms are human conceptions that we developed throughout our evolution. (I think that's relatively difficult to accept or understand as a human, but I don't think that this is necessary) This means that it is not so important if an entity, or a whole body-mind-soul-complex is polarizing either towards the positive or the negative, as the main purpose is polarization in itself, as it means progress for the souls/entities evolution process.

With that being said, the harvest to 4th density positive is not a "reward" for good behavior, but more like what happens after graduation from high school (those with excellent marks are allowed to study, those with poor marks (the luke-warms who haven't learned their lessons) will have to repeat grades and lets just assume for the sake of this superficial example that the ones with more than 95% bad marks will have to leave school). So both the negative and the positive polarized will be harvested to the place where they can further develop themselves, and learn the next lessons.

Hope that helps for your better understanding of the complex matter, love and light.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by capod2t
So my question is, why would the super negatives progress to a 4th Density (regardless of the polarity) while the middle-of-the-roaders remain stuck in the 3rd to do it all over again?

Because if you want to progress to 4th negative density you need to be 95% negative in your actions as currently (if all this is true) they must act good in 4th negative density to make up for their negative choices in this 3rd density.
The "lukewarm" will not make it becuase you need to be 51% positive and therefore have not learnt your lesson enough to make it.

There is mention that the Elite will have the opportunity to work off the negative Karma (since they may also go to the 4th Density Negative), so does that mean they will exercise their Free Will to be Good there?

Essentially, yeah.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 03:53 PM
Thank you, 11111 and SunLight.

More good angles to ponder.

Way to shine your lights!

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 01:42 PM
Ok, I think I can break the whole thing down for you:

Imagine evolution, from an animal, to an intelligent being, to a very intelligent being with telepathy and other such beings, to a partially ascended being with the ability to teleport and walk through walls, and then to a completley ascended being that has the ability to transcend into a higher state of matter.

Imagine, additionally, that we all came from a collective mind, and that imagination is what produced this world, and that, even after our higher-dimensional selves dissapear, we will return to that world, that is a pure dream-world.

Now, imagine, beings who have reached a level of physical attachment to the world, whom have invested thier time in researching genetic engineering, whom have discovered a means to enhance the being of a person, so that, after a series of "tests" they were able to artificially generate a higher density astral body.

Now, usually, in order to do this, there is a certain amount of energy that is required, in order to gain such energy, normally, an ascended being has to earn it over the period of millions of years of evolution, however, with a matrix system, they can create a "game" where the energy can be channeled into a system, and those that "win" the game are "repaid" the energy that is owed to them.

I would imagine, those that "ascend" by means of the "system" would experience a higher-dimensional self for a significant time period, however, they would eventually fall back to lower planes.

The beings that invented the matrix, ultimatley, were not completley ascended, and could not develop a stable equilibrium in the higher-dimensional worlds, only being able to have a higher physical density, but not a truly evolved awareness.
edit on 13-6-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:42 AM
I, too, have just re-read the H_H material again. I found it profound back in 2008 when I first read it. Many of its teachings have remained with me through the years. But when I got the urge to go back and re-read the information recently, it was almost as if I had never even seen some of the material before. I found that very exciting. And all these years later, I am even more touched and even become deeply emotional reading certain sections. These feelings are my navigation system which tells me of the truth of much of the information.

I'd like to ask if any of you have gotten any answers from your inner selves with regard to the Great Harvest. My question is this: Do you think that we will all "die" sometime next year in order to be transported to our new experiences. H-H did say that the Earth will rest and that the folks returning to 3rd Density will be transported to an Earth-like planet (not his exact words), while the others will go to 4th Density experiences. Do you "get" that next year really is going to be the end times and should we prepare for physical death?

Thanks so much for your thoughts on this subject.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by capod2t

So my question is, why would the super negatives progress to a 4th Density (regardless of the polarity) while the middle-of-the-roaders remain stuck in the 3rd to do it all over again? There is mention that the Elite will have the opportunity to work off the negative Karma (since they may also go to the 4th Density Negative), so does that mean they will exercise their Free Will to be Good there?

Thanks in advance for your input.


My take:

1st question- It comes down to, how much are you contributing toward serving the Creator. 95% service to self (in a 3rd density experience), in a sense could be more productive, service wise, than being luke warm and not really doing much serving at all, whether to yourself, or others. Once past 3rd density, I'd imagine, it is somehow less productive to have a large % service to self and is helpful to realize in both serving others, as well as yourself, somewhat evenly, you are being more productive/helpful in serving the Creator.

2nd question- All I am aware of is, they would have to experience what they caused others to experience and this would eventually lead to a better understanding of compassion(which is what the 4d is about if im not mistaken), which would then cause more of a balance. So Yes I do think they would eventually 'start doing good' towards the middle-end(?) of 4th density.

Good questions OP, thanks for helping stimulate my though on this as well.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 01:20 AM
Somehow it could be that it applies to walk-in souls, and the physical selves remain behind - saying that many of us have more than one occupant.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 03:18 AM
Some of you may know about the "Ra channellings" Law of One @, I've been reading that material for over a year and I was curious if anyone here knows about it, so I did a search of it on ATS and stumbled across Hidden_Hand's thread. I do not believe what this person hidden_hand is saying, like I said I've been reading the real Law of One channelings for over a year, I can tell you for sure that this person's writing style mirrors the Ra material in a lot of ways. My conclusion is that this person has read in-depth those channellings also and is repeating it here with a twist. But I think the information contained was new to a lot of people and they don't know any better or where it came from. I'm here to tell you that a lot of concepts that person was saying are NOT new. They originate at, which was information received in the earlier 1980's. Except you don't find any nonsense about secret families and bloodlines in the real law of one material...
edit on 14-4-2012 by RadioactiveRob because: (no reason given)

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