I think you did speak to soon. I think for the amount of people that can respond to the threads, it been a good turn out. All of the issues have
really good articals supporting what going on in each. There is alot of info just throwen to people, it takes some time to get it all in and come up
with a vaild opioion.
Well - I just got approved for posting in the campaign 2004 forum, so if it has been quiet...dont' worry - I'll try and spark things up
Like SpittinCobra said tho, it takes time to retort to a comment with the appropriate amount of support if you wish to make yourself heard....I'm
still reading thru all these interesting threads and getting an idea for what has already been said.
Posters are encouraged to research and construct thoughfully laid out all encompassing submissions. And respond only when you similarly have something
to say. It's not an exhibition in any way of rhetorical expertise or oneupsmanship.
Debate may occur, but once an issue is explored from a variety of positions...there's little to more to argue about. I'd like to encourage MORE
issues being covered in that case than just a few being run into the ground.