posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by atlguy
The only pattern I see here is one that people who are in power think they can do whatever they wish, and finding out that they can't
I believe this statement properly sums up all of the trouble these politicians find themselves in. Whether it's Weiner or Arnie, Clinton or Blago,
and the list could go on for 100 pages.
The thing they all have in common is that they believe they do not have to answer to anyone. They find themselves in power and believe that with that
power comes an entitlement to whatever they see. That can be money, women, more power... whatever the specific case.
In each situation you'll see a person (elected by the people, mind you) who believes that his position has entitled him to be given what he wants and
genuinely believes that due to his position he is doing nothing wrong.
When it comes crashing down you can usually see the disbelief on their faces. Not guilt... disbelief that they were caught.