posted on Apr, 30 2003 @ 06:28 PM
I can't believe that on such a forum that nobody has asked that we have checks on all ads for any form of subliminal messaging?
I'd also prefer it if the adverts remained simple, fact-based and delivered on any claims/promises. Or even better, that they offered nothing but a
companies name and a link to their website where we could then make up our own minds about what they have to offer. I don't know about anyone else
but this form of advertising is much more likely to intrigue me than promises of the best deals and special offers. As an example(if anyone else has
seen this one), the TECHDEPOT advert at the top of my page now i have absoltely no problem with.
As for 5 bucks off an X-box game, if a games worth playing its worth paying that extra $5. I'd also be eager steer clear of any adverts associated
with Microsoft due to their part in founding the TCPA(Trusted Computing Platform Alliance).
Finally, if possible no popups at advert links destination.
Just my thoughts/ideas........
William, it would be nice to know if you have plans to increase the number of adverts or alter their placement, ie. the forum, main site and pages,
top, middle or bottom etc? Or are you also looking for ideas on that?