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NEWS: American Hostage Beheaded

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posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 04:56 AM
Yet another American hostage has been beheaded.
DUBAI (Reuters) - A group linked to al Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has beheaded an American hostage in Iraq and posted a video of the killing on a Web site Saturday.

The clearly distraught American, who identified himself as either Benjamin Dan Ford or Benjamin Danforth, appealed to the United States to leave Iraq.

"I am from San Francisco, California," said the young man dressed in a plain beige T-shirt and seated on a chair. "We need to leave this country right now. If we don't, everyone is gonna be killed in this way," he said.

"I have been offered for exchange for prisoners here in Iraq," said the terrified-looking American as he rocked back and forth in his chair, his hands tied behind his back. "We need to leave this country alone. We need to stop this occupation."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

When seeing the other videos, most of the victims appeared to be drugged or in shock. It saddens me that this man had to die this way.

[edit on 8-7-2004 by Valhall]

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 06:48 AM
Just saw the video of the "beheading." Something about it doesn't sit right with seems to be TOO propaganda-ish to be the real deal. My apologies to his family and to him if I am wrong, but if I were in the white chair, I would be pleading for my own life.

If I'm right, there was no news coverage of any recent American kidnappings,

Also, the montage of the dead seemed over-produced.

IF it is real, I suspect it may be from a different group.

Gotta go.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:55 AM
Even though this was quickly found to be a hoax. I went ahead and upgraded your submission because I think it is interesting to record the effects on us real-time.

Just wanted to explain to any one that happens across this one. We also have the hoax article.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 01:22 PM
Hoax video for a hoax war.

How a sicko twisted way.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 01:31 AM
I guess you consider 3000 American dead on American soil on 9/11 a hoax war. The bombing of American embassies in Africa and of the U.S.S. Cole can also be chalked up as a hoax. What have you been smoking? Go back to playing your PS 2/Xbox "Age of Empire" war games. You'll find yourself in your real world there.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by yosoyel
I guess you consider 3000 American dead on American soil on 9/11 a hoax war.

Iraq had nothing to do with the planning and execution of 9/11 attacks nor with the complicity of the Bush administration in them.

If the war was to be on countries that aided and abetted the terrorists then Saudi Arabia would have been target #1. Strange that it is not.

The "War On Terror" is a complete hoax, a piece of media branding to suck the Americcan public into the believing that the actions of the most evil regime to have been appointed in American history are in some way justified or justifiable.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 02:16 AM
Hoax war?
Real war...
Real deaths
Real widows
Real losses..

Hoax motives
Hoax justifications
Hoax rationales
Hoaxed world...

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by dotgov101
Yet another American hostage has been beheaded.
DUBAI (Reuters) - A group linked to al Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has beheaded an American hostage in Iraq and posted a video of the killing on a Web site Saturday.

The clearly distraught American, who identified himself as either Benjamin Dan Ford or Benjamin Danforth, appealed to the United States to leave Iraq.

"I am from San Francisco, California," said the young man dressed in a plain beige T-shirt and seated on a chair. "We need to leave this country right now. If we don't, everyone is gonna be killed in this way," he said.

"I have been offered for exchange for prisoners here in Iraq," said the terrified-looking American as he rocked back and forth in his chair, his hands tied behind his back. "We need to leave this country alone. We need to stop this occupation."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

When seeing the other videos, most of the victims appeared to be drugged or in shock. It saddens me that this man had to die this way.

[edit on 8-7-2004 by Valhall]

hm...well i am not sure if this is the video im thinking of but there was an american who STAGED a FAKE beheading in his own home,speaking of something like you mentioned,he edited in pictures of the dead (certainly real terrorists wouldn't waste time to do so,something like that dounst quite get the message across),then he staged the beheading with fake and blood and just showing a hand with a knife "sawing" into his neck,he didn't move,make any noise,just layed still as he was beheaded.

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