Originally posted by HunkaHunka
New NASA research points to possible HAARP connection in Japan earthquake, tsunami
Another explanation for this strange heating -- and one that, upon analysis, seems much more likely -- is that it was an indication that
concentrated energy was used to induce the earthquake, and not the other way around. Numerous credible reports and scientific observations reveal that
HAARP technology is fully capable of being used as a scalar weapon, meaning it can emit strong electromagnetic pulse bombs that can alter weather or
trigger seismic fault lines.
(visit the link for the full news article)
Man made earthquakes
Apart from the effects of injecting water directly in the fault line, which triggers a stream of small earthquakes if done properly.
Apart from the Russian development that had to be placed direct over a fault line and than directed strong mechanical vibrations in the crust.
I mean systems that can create man made earthquakes everywhere on the planet, at will.
Those type of man made earthquakes were already a fact in the 1980's. At that time three country's had such a system working.
I want to focus on the man made earthquakes that use and release the stress that is already in a fault-line.
Description of the systems.
There are two main systems, one is the well known Haarp and all the others alike.
The other one is older. I will give no significant details on this older one.
BTW, the old system was far more effective than Haarp.
It could make the effect of a nuclear blast, almost instantly.
This has been tested and confirmed.
Making natural looking earthquakes with it was done by LOWERING the signal strength.
The notorious AUM sect bought a large piece of land in Australia to make such an old -type installation. They got caught, pants down.
The Installation was not finished at that time and was taken down.
Both systems have enough energy, once augmented in strength by the Earth ionosphere.
This is what Nicola Tesla found out.
This is the source of his "free energy"
This is what the "Waidencliff tower was build for.
How is it possible to make tectonic plates move with these set-ups?
Tectonic plates want to move. The trick is to allow for movement by triggering.
This is done by low frequency vibrations in tune with the spot. Resonance is the key word.
This is possible because we have a lot of quartz minerals in the Earth crust. This is piezoelectric electric by nature.
This explains the phenomenon of Earth lights. The minerals are then compressed or the compression is released.
Mechanical change gives electrical change, visible as earth lights.
It also explains why it is so easy to make earthquakes with a pulsating electrical field, in resonance with this spot. Electrical change than gives
mechanical change. The nice spectral colour clouds occurring during this stimulation are an added extra.
Problems and solutions.
Both systems have a problem.
It is difficult to aim the effect, due to constant changes in the Earth magnetosphere.
The solution is a low flying satellite that can detect the signals of the Haarp system.
When the satellite flies over the spot where the earthquake should occur, measure and give feedback.
Meanwhile feed the Haarp system with a signal that has a directional sweep.
So you easily find the max effect.
Now start the full power signal and the earthquake will occur at the desired place.
This is why all the recent man made earthquakes were in the path of the x-37B.
The point is that the satellite has to be able to change it's path. Maybe there are more of this type of satellites, I do not know.
The old system was even more difficult to direct with pin point accuracy. This is the main reason why it was replaced with the Haarp-like systems.
Beside the fact that the Haarp type systems can be used to change the weather at will, with pin point accuracy. The old systen was never good at
Detecting the use of these systems.
Easy, just look at the graphs at the Haarp site.
If it is an earthquake they want to trigger they modulate at 2 hertz and lower. In fact that is not true, the 2 Hertz
is an overtone, but lower frequency's are not shown.
I have no idea how to detect who's installation is running. This is a serious problem. So if the Haarp site shows a strong reading it is not sure if
the used installation is Haarp. It could be someone else's installation.
Reason's for the use of these systems.
1 As a deterrent. By now a lot of country's know about these systems and what they can do.
2 By making a large earthquake with a lot of victims in a country. After that you offer help on a large scale.
This is the ideal moment to gain more influence in the region. Usually the USA was able to get a new foothold
in the form of a new military base in that country.
3 Fact is that there are non governmental organisations that want a lower number of inhabitants of this Earth in the near future.
Fact is that the environmental footprint of the USA and Japan are the highest.
So it is most effective to start in the USA and in Japan.
I am not even sure that it is a USA controlled installation like Haarp that did the effects in the USA, they all work the same.