reply to post by Dolby_X
Short answer - is possible to make nuclear shells able to be fired by tank
Question is why?
No practical use for such a round
Smallest nuclear launcher was "DAVY CROCKETT" Nuclear recoiless rifle (M 28 - 120mm, M 29 - 155mm)
Used M388 warhead with yield of 10 to 20 tons (.01 - .02 kT) preset , not user selectable
The M 28 (120 mm) version had maximum range of 2000 m (1.25 mile), larger M 29 (155mm) 4000m (2.5 mile)
The M 28 was fired from a tripod and was man portable for short distances, M 29 mounted on back of vehicle
The M 388 round weighed in 76 lb total with MK 54 nuclear warhead at 51 lbs
Device was spigot mortar - propelling charge inserted done barrel, then long piston rod (Spigot) was inserted and
warhead attached to end of spigot extending out of muzzle
Was considered a kamikaze or suicide weapon for number of reasons
Minimun firing distance of 300m was inside burst radius of warhead which had lethal radiation (500 rem)
out to 350-400 m depending on warhead yield
Warhead was time fused, firing crew had to consult range chart to set burst time. Problem was head or cross
winds could slow flight time causing warhead to burst short
Firing crew was literally "HOIST ON OWN PETARD"
Was very inaccurate especially at longer ranges (not much of liability with a nuke)
Even then several thousand of these little nasties were made, Weapon was decommissioned in early 1970's