posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 09:34 AM
I think adding the names to the cable shows in a list would be useful. That way folks could look them up and record as needed.
Partial set of notes from "'After the Apocalypse'": (history channel)
The writers were really spot on with this one. They called many things I completely failed to notice and laid it out in a sequence of events according
to the weeks as they went by. This threw me off the first time I watched it, but this time I put it all into 30 day segments and found out I was
lacking by at least 50% of where I should be to meet each set of challenges.
The key points I missed were as follows:
1. Meds, medical supplies, medical books and medical experience are worth more than any amount of silver or gold. This should be the first focus now
and at every stage.
2. Women and children are never to be trusted. In the end game they become savage and brutal killers. Where as men tend to think and plan coherently
to acquire more food and water, they are driven by genetics and hormones to survive only in the present. This applies more to strangers than your
3. A 2 year stabilization is required for the proper die off and the human spirit to begin to form long term lifestyles again.
4. Plan on the infiltrators. They will beg at your feet day one. Share what they have day two while you sing around the campfire. And slit your throat
on day three so their clan can take what you have. They are skilled. We are not.
Solid point they made:
Every 30 days the competition will get tougher among survivors. Its also exponential. If you hit your 30,60,90, and 120 day marks the game got tougher
and more brutal at each stage.
From 120 days until order and civilization begin to recover at two years....its a crap shoot, and you need to stay armed, aware and awake to the big
picture. Looking at every new thing and place as a trap, and planning your escape before hand.