posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 12:18 AM
I have a really bad, bad feeling tonight. Just for what it is worth....I hope nothing happens, but I'm anxious bad.
The fukishima thing is hard for me to wrap my head around -know someone that really should be in the know and he says it is not that big of a deal
really except for the release valve, whatever that means. He acts mad at me for worrying about it - but I know on the other hand someone else who is
involved in lobbying for those stupid things, and she won't HEAR anything bad about it and called me a doomsayer for mentioning I wonder how
much SELLING THESE plants really affects people - like maybe the ones with the most vested interest in their own livelihoods are in denial? I hope
that makes sense. I have a hard time making sense out of it.
I just know the night of the earthquake I dreamed of that schoolhouse in Chernobyl and for no other logical reason I KNEW this was going to be really,
really bad. I just have this really sinky feeling tonight too....and have been feeling like something was going to break soon.
Can't figure out - now this from someone granted who gets lost in her own dreams, mind you - but what's so wrong with reality and facing it?
I know the US has radiation detectors. They know what is what.
If they don't know, fine, say so. Oh people will panic. So what? Let them. Let them ALL just panic. Oh so they will buy iodine and take too much.
FINE. Heck maybe people should have been taking the iodine.
What about - ok, at least putting the truth out in Scientific American or something that the stupid people wouldn't read anyway? Or...or THOSE
people some of the ones too busy trying to sell it to admit that it could kill and sicken so many?
I guess what I am saying is there's so much freaking denial. Man, this world is SICK. Science is sick.