posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 11:04 AM
So I get an information package with my last electricity bill asking me if I would like to sign up for the new Ontario "Peaksaver" program.
Basically, my electrical company installs a thermostat in my house that it can control from a central location and if they decide my house doesn't
need to be that cool, they will will "adjust" the temp one or two degrees warmer thusly saving electricity and lowering peak demand.
Well, I am not comfortable with an agency deciding my comfort level, nor am I comfortable giving a provincial agency remote access to my house, even
if it just is for the central air. They say you can opt out of it anytime, but I think I am just saying no.
Are we so not to be trusted as a society now, that a simple request on the news to conserve won't suffice. It is now necessary to install devices in
people's home to ensure compliance.
PeakSaver Program