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Originally posted by jaydeePNW
Nice pictures but I can't figure out what is Groundbreaking about them. Groundbreaking usually means the start fo something new but there really isn't anything new going on there? What am I missing?
Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
Originally posted by jaydeePNW
Nice pictures but I can't figure out what is Groundbreaking about them. Groundbreaking usually means the start fo something new but there really isn't anything new going on there? What am I missing?
There has never before been a picture of the space station with the shuttle docked from a point in orbit away from the station where the whole station can be seen...
...(although that's not entirely true, because people have taken pictures of the space station and shuttle from the ground using telescopes. However, as you would expect, the quality of those photos is not great).
Originally posted by anon72
reply to post by toreishi
You know, you amaze me with your input on threads. Seriously.
reat additions to this thread, as well.
You are always ON IT.
Thank you.
(PS: I checked out your profile page... I like how the guy commented on if that was you in the pic etc.). I was chuckling all afternoon. Too Much). And... the "I don't re-" you a funny one for sure.
edit on 6/8/2011 by anon72 because: (no reason given)
Now if they can get a picture of a real UFO then that would be groundbreaking!
[quote=""][size=150]bad astronomy...
[size=200][color=#BF8040]NASA FAKED A SHUTTLE
I didn’t have to think twice. I knew right then and there, NASA was hosting a faked image on their own servers. There was no way this was a simple snapshot of the Shuttle’s interior! All my years as an image analyst, coupled with my long battle-hardened abilities with conspiracies and fakery, told me I was on to something big here. Very big.
Tell me:
Why are there stars in the picture?[color=#FF0000]
First, the cabin lights were on. That means the photo would use a SHORT exposure time and a SMALL aperture, otherwise the bright interior would be overexposed. But there’s no way you could see stars in a photo under those circumstances!
Second, those interior lights would reflect inside those windows, again drowning out any outside sources. Whenever you see astronauts taking pictures out the windows, they are always RIGHT UP next to the windows, not a few feet away. Why? Because otherwise the reflections block the view.
Third, and worst, the Earth hangs fat and bright right smack dab in the center of the viewports! The bright Earth could not possibly be exposed correctly and have the photo still show stars in the windows. The Earth is THOUSANDS of times brighter than the stars. Even the Moon would look dull and dim if the Earth were exposed correctly.
There’s only one explanation:
[size=150][color=#FF0000]Someone at NASA faked
the photo!!! They added in stars later, for what nefarious purposes only the Top Brass at NASA must know. Was this mission faked in some way? Was the whole Shuttle project faked? Does NASA even exist?
[size=85]20. José Says:
January 29th, 2009 at
8:15 am
Oh God,
This post will cause you
headaches for the next ten
years. I expect to hear
something like “Why even
skeptic/astronomer and
former NASA employee Phil
Plait has accused NASA of
faking space missions.” I’d
consider putting “I’m just
kidding, morons!!!” in giant
red blinking letters at the
start of the post.
Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
...(although that's not entirely true, because people have taken pictures of the space station and shuttle from the ground using telescopes. However, as you would expect, the quality of those photos is not great).