reply to post by pigwithoutawig
Tweaking the curriculum could be a solution, but whose to do the tweaking?
Not popular opinion that's for sure, and definitely not common sense.
So "to serve and protect society" has changed to "collect taxes
and eliminate threats, no matter how minute",
then again, one must wonder, when did police ever
"serve and protect" the public anyways?
They rather protect each other, morality and ethics be damned,
and common sense? Hah! Who needs it anyways?
What matters is that they keep their jobs, no matter how incompetent they are.
Cops breaking the law and abusing people's rights is another story in itself.
Anyways, none of this matters really, because no one can make any difference
what so ever. So rejoice, because our cops ain't mentally damaged like
American cops are. They won't try to taze or shoot you because you asked
why you got pulled over, not yet anyways. Well, unless you're carrying a knife that is...
I still don't understand why they didn't pepper spray the guy from a distance.
Cops have a multitude of non lethal weapons at their disposal, guns should be a last resort.
edit on 7-6-2011 by Radekus because: (no reason given)