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Why are you creating monsters?

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posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:23 PM
All around us are the scattered remnants of ancient civilizations. Challenging us by its very existence is the Great Pyramid. When we dig, almost anywhere, we find buried proof that fantastic structures once existed. Questions about previous ages of humanity may come to mind as we ponder what happened to these civilizations. How did once great civilizations come to an end? War. Famine. Climate change. Also present in ancient art are nothing short of a plethora of monsters. Flying snake gods. Dragon men. Wolf-headed creatures. Hydras. Giants. Cyclops. Chimeras. Huge beasts of all kinds. Dragons. Ghosts. Demons…


The belief-in, and the depiction of, monsters did not end in ancient times. Rather, all manner of monsters have followed humanity throughout the ages. From cave paintings illustrating horrifying creatures to elaborate stone carvings of ancient civilizations, from medieval wood-block illustrations to Renaissance manuscripts and biblical illustrations… Monsters of all forms have followed us into modern day. The medium with which they are portrayed has evolved as our ability to portray them has improved, but the fact remains as true today as it did around prehistoric campfires: we have brought our monsters with us.

Now, we print them in glossy magazines. We create plastic statuettes of them (model monsters). We hang large posters of them. We watch monsters on the silver screen. We soak our psyches with images of monsters on the internet. We compose songs about monsters (The Misfits, et al). We read books comprised of hundreds of pages of monster stories. We name our sports teams after monsters and use them as mascots (Blue Devils, Devil Rays, etc.) We play them and/or slay them in graphic video games. We sit in rides of monster themes in AMUSEMENT parks. Monsters are everywhere. You don’t even need to look for them, for a monster, in some form or another, will find you. Not “may” find you. WILL find you.

It seems, for some inexplicable reason, that humanity is FASCINATED by monsters. Perhaps we NEED monsters? Or, rather, maybe we are fascinated by FEAR and need a good fright every now and then to keep us on our proverbial toes. Maybe, in ancient times, when man was as much prey as hunter, fear kept us vigilant, aware and in a highly PERCEPTIVE state. Maybe in a world where there is less natural fear, those ancient parts of our beings need that kind of scary stimulation. Therefore, with an absence of “real” monsters, we have created a slew of them to frighten us.

However, by focusing our IMAGINATIVE ENERGY on monsters, could it be that we are responsible for actually creating them? Could that imaginative energy somehow manifest a REAL ENTITY into existence?

Now, before you say, “You’re off your rocker GhostLancer!” consider this: TULPA. What? TUL-PA.

Tulpas are rooted in Sanskrit. Tibetan folks, Indians, Nepalese… Around that area and spreading out for thousands of miles; perhaps worldwide, these days. A tulpa is a THOUGHT FORM. Here is an excerpt from Wikepedia, followed by a link to the tulpa article:

“Inasmuch as the mind creates the world of appearances, it can create any particular object desired. The process consists of giving palpable being to a visualization, in very much the same manner as an architect gives concrete expression in three dimensions to his abstract concepts after first having given them expression in the two-dimensions of his blue-print. The Tibetans call the One Mind's concretized visualization the Khorva (Hkhorva), equivalent to the Sanskrit Sangsara; that of an incarnate deity, like the Dalai or Tashi Lama, they call a Tul-ku (Sprul-sku), and that of a magician a Tul-pa (Sprul-pa), meaning a magically produced illusion or creation.”

In essence, the belief/theory states that a person can focus her energy into a “real” being. It does take a LOT of focus, determination, energy and passion. A traumatic experience might be enough for a person to instantly bring such a creature into being. Or, the practiced, learned rituals of someone who has delved deeply into mystical and/or occult studies. Or… maybe as simple as that of a child enthralled by werewolf movies she has watched recently. Or… innocently enough by someone who has had an extremely powerful and vivid nightmare. The theme is essentially the same: our thoughts can manifest beings into this reality.

Hogwash. Pure and simple. --Yet, even the ever-expanding frontier of QUANTUM PHYSICS tells us that there is more to us than (with a skin pinch) “this crude matter.” Without bogging us down in the details of the “2-slit Experiment,” suffice it to say that it has been scientifically proven that quantum-level experiments react differently depending on whether or not there is a sentient observer present to watch the unfolding event(s). It is a profound statement: by merely WATCHING/OBSERVING an experiment, our presence affects the nature of reality. If so, what does this say about how our presence and thoughts affecting our simple, everyday world around us right now?


It is a large step from our thoughts affecting the placement of photon particles in a 2-slit experiment and the manifestation of monstrous entities. However, it is a matter of degree and complexity. Consider this, author Nick Redfern, in a recent article made some good points about the nature of monsters. He pointed out a ridiculous lack of evidence for these creatures (Loch Ness, Bigfoot, Chupacabra, etc.) to such an extent that over a decade ago, he gave up trying to find an “everyday” explanation for them. Meaning, he concluded that they may be more mystical or phantasmagorical in nature. Here’s a link to his thought-provoking article:

Consider how monsters have followed us through the ages. First of all, WHY? Then, HOW? Do we humans inherently just “think-up” monsters because it is who we are? I mean, it’s in our nature to think about these fanciful terrors? Why would we do such a thing? Do we really need to be scared by things with scales, teeth, etc.? The one common thread of humanity is our UNCONSCIOUS MIND.


Some psychological theories separate our minds into the CONSCIOUS (the one you’re using now) and the SUBCONSCIOUS (the dreaming) minds. Freud, I believe, stratified our minds into the Id, the ego and the super ego (the id being the subconscious, childish portion). In the movie, “Forbidden Planet,” monsters from the id were responsible for killing people. Could it be that these “unawakened” parts of our consciousness are bringing forth “monsters from the id?” Could this part of our sentience be so powerful as to have manifested entities into a form of shadowy reality since the dawn of our humanity? Are your thoughts and dreams and unconscious ramblings creating monsters that stalk the dark forests and wild recesses of our world?

Think of reality. There is very little to it, actually. EVERYTHING you sense (see, hear, smell, taste and touch) is nothing more than processed information about the world around you. It is not *actually* the world, but merely a REPRESENTATION of the world presented to you by your brain. Further, everything you interact with in our “solid” world is really nothing more than lots of empty space VIBRATING at different energetic frequencies. Yes. Science has finally discovered that we exist in a mostly empty ocean of vibrations, and that even things that appear solid are nothing more than constructs of vibratory energies and forces. It is as much belief as vibrating energy that keeps your hand from passing *through* your keyboard instead of just pressing keys to type your responses. Read about the process of SIGHT, alone, and you will realize the fragile nature of reality. Light passes into our eye. It is funneled into the optic nerve. At this point, it is no longer light as your brain processes the *INFORMATION* and organizes it for final presentation to your MIND. Check it out:

On the quantum front, we are learning that time and space and thought and “reality” are not necessarily the separate entities we previously thought them to be. Of course, this is what philosophers and mystics and esoterics have engaged in for countless hundreds of years. “Thought form,” –the manifestation of mental energies; the INTERSECTION of thought, matter and reality.


Let’s just say that this is the case. We humans can manifest “monsters” into being, intentionally and/or unintentionally. If that is so, then we must maintain control of our thoughts to some extent, lest we wreak havoc. There are ramifications to having such power, to KNOWING we have such power. Humans are good, evil, indifferent and plain stupid. Good people would cultivate good thoughts in order to ensure these creatures aren’t created every day. Evil people might create them to their own ends, perhaps even overestimating the amount of control they might have over the monsters. Indifferent people might never create one, even accidentally, as they are distracted by the pleasures and pains of everyday life, their thoughts never reaching the levels required for manifestation. “Stupid” people are really the biggest danger. As the saying goes, genius has limitations but stupidity is BOUNDLESS.

Again, consider that humans have the power to create monsters. What is the most dangerous thing about it? If we knew we could do this… wow. Not only “monsters” but ALL MANNER OF THINGS would be unleashed. Imagine a small sect of people who know this SECRET. To keep humanity from losing control and destroying modern civilization (perhaps that is what happened to those great, ancient civilizations?), they might employ a systematic program (or programS) geared to keeping people from reaching their full mental potentials. Such programs might involve dumbing-down the general population via the fluoridization of drinking water, adding aspartame and monosodium glutamate into all manner of food, eliminating the arts from most schools (arts encourage *imagination*), collapsing the economy which forces people to stay grounded in everyday thought (putting food on the table, filling the gas tank, paying for medical care), etc., etc., etc.



Will you bring forth personal DRAGONS unto the world, or something a little nicer? We seem to need monsters, but they do tend to wreak havoc.

So, what are your THOUGHTS on the subject? Be careful your thoughts, for you may inadvertently manifest something into existence. Right now it’s laughable, sure. But, when you are alone, at night and see something shadowy moving toward you… you may wish that you had not thought so much about WEREWOLVES… (insert evil Vincent Pryce laughter here…)

One last thought: as monsters creep their way to new heights in popular culture and media… so increase the sightings of all sorts of scary and unexplainable things… Also, this theory applies beyond monsters, it applies to almost everything (positive/negative thinking; focus determines reality, etc.)

edit on 7-6-2011 by GhostLancer because: Typo

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:26 PM
I see a big plasma dragon with a heart big enough to love this lil universe and ALL who have tried to love. Others well........................... Is this a monster?

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:51 PM
I absolutely loved reading this thread mate. Good job!

I don't agree with all of it of course and a lot of it asks more questions than answers but this is exactly the kind of thread I visit ATS for!

I have often thought about the physical impact ones thoughts could have on the 'Outside world'. It can be quite scary sometimes. Especially when one is under the influence of a certain Ell Ess Dee

Thinking about stuff like this can't damage the universe ...

Or can it?

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
I see a big plasma dragon with a heart big enough to love this lil universe and ALL who have tried to love. Others well........................... Is this a monster?

Great point. For some reason, it has always been easier to destroy than to create. I believe that is why monsters are far easier to manifest than nicer, more meaningful manifestations. In other words, they are creatures of destruction, like entropic tornadoes creeping from the shadows to cause FEAR. Fear is EASY. Courage and kindness might be more difficult to manifest and maintain? Further, the kinds of things that lurk in our intriguingly powerful subconscious (or id) seem to be built into all of us. It might just be that we have some way, some unknown method or technique that unleashes these horrific vibrations. Why is the id/subconscious so powerful? Rorsharch ink blot tests allow peeks into our subconscious/id. Maybe the things that exist in that dimension or realm or vibrational sector can peek back into our world through dreams and practiced meditation.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by GhostLancer

i think most of the 'old stories' of beasts and dragons have, mostly, good endings - as in the dragon being slayed the beast being slayed, etc.

the point of these stories to illustrate for others the means to face one's inner subconcious desires and.. etc..

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:59 PM
So us humans could be the manifestations from the minds of the living creatures, before we came to be? Because we humans, truly, can be as hideous as any monster ever created out of thought!

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by TechUnique
I absolutely loved reading this thread mate. Good job!

I don't agree with all of it of course and a lot of it asks more questions than answers but this is exactly the kind of thread I visit ATS for!

I have often thought about the physical impact ones thoughts could have on the 'Outside world'. It can be quite scary sometimes. Especially when one is under the influence of a certain Ell Ess Dee

Thinking about stuff like this can't damage the universe ...

Or can it?

Thanks! --And, funny you should mention Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. It brings to mind the work of Graham Hancock, namely his latest non-fiction book "SUPERNATURAL" that explores the relationship between mysticism, religion, spirituality, levels of awareness, ancient man and state-altering plants. Apparently, people from all different ages and walks of life have experimented with "Iboga." Even though from different cultures, countries and mindsets, one thing remained very similar when they ingested this state-altering plant: many of them reported that a spirit guide in the form of a reptilian humanoid. You'll have to read "Supernatural" for all the details.

But, to answer your question: yes. Taking state-altering substances (hallucinogenics, psychotropics) might open a person's mind to perceive different levels of the vibrational universe all around us. This can be very powerful, for once in these realms (even if only on a perceptive basis), you might have access to great energies, but be careful, it might be like an untrained person handling a gun. Of course, properly done, you might get the almost magical music of The Doors, The Beatles and Led Zeppelin. It would be interesting to see art that was created by someone under the influence of "Lucy." Disclaimer: I am in no way advocating the use of illegal substances.

It is a very interesting slant, imagining the effect of state-altering substances/plants on the human psyche, and how it might affect the theory of manifesting monsters. I guess if you see a tie-dyed colored werewolf howling multicolored bubbles, then you can be sure that it was manifested by someone on high on something! LOL

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

we create monsters to make ourselves feel better...

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 02:51 PM
Great thread! I very much enjoyed reading it. I think that the minds of people are supressed with everyday worries and such and I think we are capable of so much more that we can comprehend. However, I believe that there is an "awakening" of sorts going around that will open the minds of many to realize their true minds potential.
I have had conversations lately with people that are known to not have Many spiritual influences in their life and are not seeking elightenment so to speak, that have suddenly felt the need or urge to seek these influences.

So yeah, I think we can manifest things with enough passion and desire and if we believe we can, than we can. I personally have practiced this and have manifested things that I was wanting or needing. Now, you could either look at this two ways, one, God( or what you choose to call him) always provides when you ask and believe you will receive. And two, that you have so much power locked up in your own mind that you can manifest and provide for yourself. I suppose you could believe both, as I do.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 04:51 PM
Very good post.
I think we have become the monsters.
If I made a thought form Unicorn.
man would Kill it again.

long time ago. we had fairys and stuff.
now we have aliens and stuff.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by GhostLancer

The Ramones:

"Makin Monsters For My Friends"

Everybody said so man you could see it on T.V.
They stood there ashamed with nowhere to go
Nobody wants them now the kids are alright
Every day is a holiday and pushin' people around

I'm making monsters for my friends
I'm making monsters for my friends

Someone caught one I could see so myself
I had to call 254 so they wouldn't blame me
We wanted to know how much trouble there was
When we asked our daddy he said it's just because

I'm making monsters for my friends
I'm making monsters for my friends

I don't wanna open a can of worms and
I don't want any Spagetti-Os
And I could always tell when
someone is holding a grudge

I'm making monsters for my friends
I'm making monsters for my friends
I'm making monsters for my friends
I'm making monsters for my friends

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 05:08 PM
we are the monsters, we don't have to create them because we are already monstrous in our judgement and fear of others... and if there are indeed monsters in the real world, it will always be "them" not us. because monsters can't admit their own monstrosity.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 05:11 PM
Those monsters have always been metaphors for some aspect of the human experiance.

I suppose youd have to put down the religious stereotypes and step outside your comfort zone to learn any of this though... so sad.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 08:29 PM
It is interesting, all of your perspectives on monsters. I believe that at least two posters have stated that WE, us humans, are the monsters. Well, sure. Many of us behave very badly to put it mildly. We do act in MONSTROUS ways. I think that both theories can exist side by side. Just because humans act like animals and monsters does not preclude the existence of monsters themselves.

If you google "cryptozoology," you'll quickly see that there are reports FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD of actual monster sightings. From mysterious black panthers in England and America to Russia's Wild Man; from lake monsters around the world to werewolves in the American midwest; from the chupacabra (not that silly shaved dog, the REAL goat sucker) to reptilian humanoids; from the Jersey Devil to Mothman; from Native American skinwalkers to England's Spring-healed Jack and the Mad Gasser. And those are just the tips of a vast iceberg in an ocean of mystery.

This world has been here for BILLIONS of years according to modern science. We, as a species, have only been here and "awake" for about 2,000 recorded years, and even the first five hundred of those are essentially DARK. It seems that we are a species with amnesia, as Graham Hancock states. Somehow, perhaps through a past global cataclysm, great civilizations fell around 10,500 BC. And those civilizations hint of an even older, global civilization. Those ancient civilizations also had their very own monsters; things carved onto and into rocks and marble that would make your hair stand on end should you ever see one in person.

Maybe, just now, we are beginning to venture into areas that those civilizations dared to tread. They obviously harnessed GREAT POWERS of some kind, for their immense stone monuments stand to this very day, challenging our wits, for even with modern-day technology, there are stones so MASSIVE that we CANNOT move them, even with our biggest, best cranes and equipment. THEY KNEW SOMETHING WE DON'T. And it is intriguing, again, because these once mighty civiliztions possessed their monsters, as we do today. Are we going down that same path that ultimately ends in a downfall? How do monsters play into all of this? Why do we even have them around? What purpose do monsters serve?

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 10:54 AM
Here is a thought experiment, follow carefully:

I want you to imagine a kind of engineering, a kind that has the power to alter the very conduits of energy in the human body, the very foundations of the instinctual mechanims. A system that has categorised every single emotional impulse and has charted them in a system. Imagine, that the system can take all the energies, and all the signals, essentially, "digitise" the analogue systems, and place a dividing line between the natural and simulaneous exchange of energy, creating a "linear" system.

Imagine thay for every impulse a person has, the system will read and create a "picture" to "define" what those impulses "mean" - and, to those who choose those messages and impulses to be "real" - that is, those who think that the "ego" or "I am" is a real thing, will actually "live out" or "create" the scenario in thier being.

For example, without the system in place, an individual might seem positive, and in control, however, with the system in place, it can filter thier inner impulses, create an image of fear, and if the individual believes the ego to be "real" then the fear becomes genuine, and if the system continues, the individual would be seen as performing actions within the constuct of the patternised interactions that the system interprets.

If the individual on the receiving end of the system is in a state of connection to the artificial network, if they allow the impulses of the system to have effects on thier inner self, thier true spirit, then, essentially, the system can damage the soul of an individual, at all the connection points that it has to thier natural structure.

Without the system, we would be normal, things would work as they should, with the system, all kinds of errors occur, all kind of impulses that are only "half read" are interpreted in a linear sense, and all the templates and connectors of the system will simulate the experiences that the system deemes to have occured.

The only way out, essentially, is to remove the system components, to remove all the interpretation mechanims, and the various thought forms, and the various demons and abberations of the system will disappear.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by SystemResistor
Here is a thought experiment, follow carefully:

I want you to imagine a kind of engineering, a kind that has the power to alter the very conduits of energy in the human body, the very foundations of the instinctual mechanims. A system that has categorised every single emotional impulse and has charted them in a system. Imagine, that the system can take all the energies, and all the signals, essentially, "digitise" the analogue systems, and place a dividing line between the natural and simulaneous exchange of energy, creating a "linear" system.

Imagine thay for every impulse a person has, the system will read and create a "picture" to "define" what those impulses "mean" - and, to those who choose those messages and impulses to be "real" - that is, those who think that the "ego" or "I am" is a real thing, will actually "live out" or "create" the scenario in thier being...

Without the system, we would be normal, things would work as they should, with the system, all kinds of errors occur, all kind of impulses that are only "half read" are interpreted in a linear sense, and all the templates and connectors of the system will simulate the experiences that the system deemes to have occured.

The only way out, essentially, is to remove the system components, to remove all the interpretation mechanims, and the various thought forms, and the various demons and abberations of the system will disappear.

It sounds like you are saying... That if you choose not to be open to the idea of monsters, --that if you choose NOT to believe in them or react to them, that they will not exist and everything will be fine. In short, it's like saying: Ghosts cannot harm me because I don't believe in them. Is that in the ballpark?

If so, there is some merit to this. Think of the person who is so adamantly skeptical and religiously close-minded to anything "fringe." This person not only has a closed mind when it comes to anything paranormal or out of mainstream and limited mindset, but refuses to even acknowledge that any such notions are *possible.* For this person, monsters are purely fictional, Hollywood. This is a kind of belief. The belief that these intangible, elusive phantoms are not real. Well, if focus determines reality, if our thoughts can affect the world (as proven in a quantum physics experiment), then this person might effectively bend the reality around him/her, preventing these "unreal" creatures from intersecting into his/her reality. It's possible, perhaps. Intriguing thoughts. Star.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

Basically, as the impulses approach a level of fear (usually fear of physical death) they become increasingly hard to ignore, until you push the threshold and find that your imagination is the key.
edit on 10-6-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by SystemResistor
reply to post by GhostLancer

Basically, as the impulses approach a level of fear (usually fear of physical death) they become increasingly hard to ignore, until you push the threshold and find that your imagination is the key.
edit on 10-6-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

Einstien Himself said that, "Imagination is more powerful than knowledge." This is not discounting knowledge. I think that Einstein was pointing out something VERY PROFOUND, --more profound than people will ever realize--- that there is something about the creative energy of IMAGINATION. To be able to recite or remember knowledge from books or other sources is important. But, to be able to IMAGINE new ideas and concepts... that is the key to progress, to evolution... to the expansion of all things.

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