posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 05:58 PM
I'm just asking a UFO related question to anyone that knows anything about aerospace?
Basically tonight I looked up to the stars whilst on my balcony having a ciggie, something I do pretty much every night. I looked up to one of the
starts and about the same height in the sky I saw a white light moving really high in the sky, I thought it would just be a plane, but I tracked it
with my eyes for about 10 seconds then it disappeared because clouds then came into view and blocked it out.
I didn't see any flashing lichts, just a white light, it certainly wasn't a shooting star because I've seen plenty of those before, and it's
movement was like it was some sort of powered craft, but obviously too high up to make out any shape.
I personally do not think it's a plane because it was too far up, and I live about 5 miles from the airport and see planes all the time coming in to
land or taking off, and flashing lights are always visible, and they never go that high, or at that speed.
So I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this? Cheers