posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 09:40 AM
Rep. Weiner a no-show at New York City Israel Day Parade
The story from the NY Daily News:
Rep. Anthony Weiner a no-show at New York City Israel Day parade amid Twitter photo scandal
I explained the conspiracy behind the Weiner scandal in my previous thread. This was the Democrats immediate payoff for the "Weinergate" scandal.
The president has no domestic achievements to run on in 2012. For one example look up how many corporations are receiving "Obamacare" waivers.
However, if he can get some semblance of "peace talks" in process, nothing ever comes of these as we've seen, he can then run on the "don't
change horses in mid-stream" platform. Who doesn't want world peace?
The introductory thread:
Congressman Anthony Weiner (D, NY) experiences a falling
The other shoe dropped. The Democrats wanted to shut down Weiner and his pro-Israel stance that went against the president's agenda. The focus of the
Israel Day Parade went from voicing pro-Israel, no give back sentiments to "Where's the Weiner?" No conservative hacker would have wanted that. If
there's one issue that conservatives align with Weiner on, it's Israel.