Okay so let me start this off by saying that I'm a college student working part-time in a grocery store. I work the customer service desk, so I deal
with upset people and their complaints all day long. The grocery store I work in, Stop & Shop, is a large north-eastern chain which is run by a parent
company called
Ahold. More than half of all consumer food dollars in New England are spent at Stop &
Shop (which has a revenue of $11.17 billion).
As customer service, my job is to make the customer happy, and keep them returning to the store. If keeping the customer happy means going so far as
giving them a $25 gift card, well, I can do it. This is part of two huge store policies known as "1-2-3 hassle free" and "the customer is always
right". These policies say that, unless there's a policy that overrules "hassle free" and "TCIAR", the customer gets what they want. No matter
what. If a customer reads a sale sign wrong, our job is to give the customer the item for free, without even checking the sign ourselves. Even when
the customer is proven wrong, when you show them that they read the sign wrong, they still get it for free.
This brings me to the main point of this thread. The company I work for is not, I'm sure, the only company that has adopted these policies. "1-2-3
hassle free" and "the customer is always right" makes the customer feel like they are in control. They feel like they actually get what they want.
How is this aiding in the destruction of our society? The illusion of getting what they want distracts the sheeple from the fact that the government
is taking away their freedoms.
Think about it. What do people do? They work, and spend money. If spending money is a large fraction of someone's life, then walking into a store and
getting exactly what they want makes them believe they are in control. It distracts them from the fact that they really
aren't in control.
People walk into my store and demand that they get what they want. If they don't, they want to talk to a manager who will give them whatever it is
that they demand. Then, the employee that barred them from their demands will get a talking-to and a refresher on the store policies.
Our society thinks it can have its way, simply because it can. Until it comes to the real freedoms and what actually matters. But then, they're too
distracted getting what they want as consumers to see that they're not getting what they deserve as citizens.