posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 11:03 PM
There are many misconceptions concerning women these days. But I would like to add a bit about why that is, and how it came to be. Now if some want to
personally attack anything I have to say, well thats fine, but I have the right to add my opinion, and will do so.
There is in fact undeniable truth to the fact that women have been oppressed for many thousands of years. From being the cause of sin (Eve) to what
asking for rights, and to what we have today. Before there was the outrageous media, we were unhappy with the way we were treated, but had no way out.
We lived the quite "Suzy Homemaker" lifestyle, and we were happy with it.
Then things changed. We saw magazines and television ads that told women they could be sexy, independent, and basically have it all. We over came
this, and moved away from home, and our children. We now had 9-5 jobs, and t.v dinners to make up for the 4 course 3 hour cooked meals.
We were told by the media that our husbands would complain, and be angry, not because they wanted us to be home, and care for the home and the family,
but because they were weights that held us down. They feared women and their success. And we listened.
We went on, even though women were not getting paid as much, we still worked, because ultimately we were doing the "independent" thing. We started
clubs based on women discussing their lives, and wants and needs. We had ladies nights, book clubs, discussing books that favored the further
independence of women, but silently and subconsciously bashed men.
At this point we were divided. Men nor women understood when it fully happened, but the divide was evident, scary, and loud. People began to look for
others that made them happy, not the home, or the children. Men began torrid affairs, also contributing to the breakdown of the home. While the
children watched.
Men would go into their sons rooms and say "Don't marry someone like your mother" look what she has done to us, while women would tell their
daughters "Your dad did this to us. You cant trust men". We began a generation of women that thought men only cheated , while men thought that all
women thought about was themselves and no one else.
We were lost. Kids drowned in custody battles, divorce, and broken homes. Tears, yelling, angry, and lack of communication was all they knew. Now here
is the kicker......
We no longer try in relationships because we dont know how. All we know is what romance movies show us. What Oprah and the #1 selling magazines say
about "How to trap a Man". And men have beer commercials, porn, and shows and movies that show that women are full of agendas, and only choose to
RULE the man.
Everyday we are shown that showing skin is all men want. If your smart, thats a turn off. You have to be thin, and sexy, thats the only way to get a
man. And women are shown that he has to be muscular, and have money and cars, because these are things that we deserve.
Sure that works. On t.v or the movies, so we "portray" something that we are not, and then we wonder why we cant get along.
Here's what I have come to realize about what men and women really want, but are afraid to say. (THIS BASED ON MY VIEWS!!)
Men want support, someone to tell them when things are tough that they have someone there for them, someone to back them up, and be supportive.
Women want.. the exact same things.
Women want someone they can trust to go out with their friends and not look at every other women, even though all their friends are doing it.
Men want..... the exact same things.
Men want to be able to do what they enjoy, without the "stereotype" of men dont want to be around women when they do the things they enjoy. For
example video games, sports.
Women want... well, the difference her is that what women like to do they usually dont care for men to be around. If we want you there for shopping
its because we CARE what YOU think.
Also note, that men go crazy for a women that is willing to learn about a sport, or video game, I was completely against it at one point, but learned
it, and it was quite fun. Men, you can also do the same.
For this one compromise is important, but it is the media and entertainment business that told us that we are not supposed to enjoy each others
We need to wake up from the slumber and bs that we are shown everyday, and realize that the same way you were taught to ride a bike, and learn to read
is the same way that we are taught to purposely not get along. If there wasn't something inside of us that was fighting this indoctrination, NO
ONE would actually be in a relationship.
Fight the lies, and deception. Deep down inside we are fully aware that we need each other, and love each other, and want to be with one another. Peel
back what you were taught. Pin point when you think this happened, or take with someone you love, and be honest. For every man and every women that
has been wronged there is a reason why they do what do today.
If a man cheats, hes probably been cheated on. If a women is hounding you about where you go and what you do, she has been lied to, and probably
cheated on as well.
If you ask, just ask why? I am sure that there will be an answer that you never truly expected. We hurt, we all hurt, and have been hurt. We can mend
the fallacy of what we allowed others to make us think. We can change it, make it better, reevaluate what we are and what we do, and how we do it.
Communicate. Love. Compromise.
Peace, NRE.