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Kerry campaign to muzzle free speech!

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posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 10:55 AM
Very simple if you talk about one candidate you are going to received comparison of the other candidate also is call debate.

It does not have nothing to do with you but with your post.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by nativeokie
He realized he lied or at least misslead. That still bothers some people, others base an entire political campaign on it.

They sure do, namely John F Kerry!

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 11:06 AM
Kozmo I think the debates will be the deciding factor on who has misslead and who has not.

Obviously you truly believe what you say, you have defended your stance on all threads you have participated in. I give you credit for that. I also would ask that you approach this with a more even hand, willing to listen to others. I am NOT a fan of GWB. I lived under him in Texas while he was govenor and voted for him in the last election (Gore gave me the creeps on many levels). It was based upon his actions as president that I chose to switch parties and support the Democrates.

While I am willing to admit to changing my mind based on the facts are you also willing to concede you could be wrong, based on evidence or are in going to defend him to the end regardless?

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by curme

All of Kerry's military records available. Bush's are lost.. wait, found. Nope, lost. Wait! They found some!

Actually thats not true curme, he will not authorize release of his medicals. What I was getting at here is if he would do so then all could see the utter severity of his war wounds that qualified for the PH award and at the same time totally without question or controversy debunk the Swift Vets.

To attempt to scare TV outlets with a toothless threat of libel only serves to magnify the issue and is a stupid move by Kerry and the DNC.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
Well, if we'd like to employ such logic, don, allow me to point out that Michael Moore is not in George Bush's cabinet, nor was he at the President's side during the moments of 9/11 or afterword yet he has found a way to pen an editorial on the matter and turn that into a film which is accepted as gospel truth by the left, right? I find it ironic that Michael Moore has ZERO first-hand knowledge of what transpired behind closed doors on 9/11 or the war leading up to Iraq yet you have vigorously defended the man when this was questioned in other threads. Does that make you a hypocrite donguillermo?

Kozmo, why do you have such an obsession with showing that other people are hypocrites? Is it because you are a hypocrite yourself? You present yourself as a fearless seeker of truth, yet you have only one agenda, to smear Kerry. To butress your case, you quote Commander Elliott, after his retraction of the words you quote has been posted.

As far as Michael Moore is concerned, his movie makes heavy use of videotape. All the facts in the movie are heavily documented and sourced. Some minor factual inaccuracies have been pointed out, and the apparent faked headline is very troubling. When I have defended Moore, it has been against dishonest representations of what Moore actually says in the movie, and against false claims that Moore's well-documented facts are false.

I don't believe that you understand the meaning of the word hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is action in contradiction to belief. Please point out where my actions have contradicted my belief. I have defended Moore against false charges and misrepresentations of what his movie actually said. I would also defend John O'Neill against any false charges made against him. The statements I have made in this thread about John O'Neill are true.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by RANT

And return volley with the assurance that had I been old enough I would have INDEED served...

It's not too late...need the number of the nearest recruiter of the service of your choice? I'd be glad to oblige.....

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 01:29 PM
The cat's officially out of the bag!

Why am I not at all suprised by the "revelation"? Hmmmm, probably because I believe that the Democrats will stop at NOTHING to win this election. It looks to me like the libel suit may not be filed against the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth after all, in fact, it appears that their little pet journalist Mike Kranish may be facing the suit.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
The cat's officially out of the bag!

Why am I not at all suprised by the "revelation"? Hmmmm, probably because I believe that the Democrats will stop at NOTHING to win this election. It looks to me like the libel suit may not be filed against the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth after all, in fact, it appears that their little pet journalist Mike Kranish may be facing the suit.

And this is true why? Oh. Drudge reports it. Ok. Case closed.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 01:40 PM
First of all Donny, I don't smear Kerry, Kerry smears himself as do those that he has chosen to surround himself with. I don't lie about John Kerry, John Kerry lies about himself and so do those around him.

Let's get this straight, once and for all... I do NOT support Bush (As I am certain you assume). I did not vote for Bush in 2000 and remain wholly undecided for whom I will cast my vote this time. I am an Independent voter who votes for the best qualified candidate. My conviction here is that Kerry is not among those even qualified let alone "Best qualified." In fact, this guy's track record scares the Hell out of me and what it could mean for America. In short, just as you are "Anti-Bush", I am "Anti-Kerry." Now I believe that your anti-Bush stance is part and parcel with your Pro-Kerry stance as I have seen you repeatedly bash Bush and summarily support Kerry. However, my belief does not put me into a default Bush supporter. I do, however, support certain aspects of Bush's Presidency, such as the war on terror and the war with Iraq. Hopefully this clears up where I am coming from.

Now, with regard to hypocrisy... I did not call you a hypocrite, I ASKED you if you were one. I merely pointed out that Democrats were ACTING hypocritical by publicly condemning Swift Boat Veterans as being a "Republican attack machine" and claiming that the commercial was in "Violation of campaign finance reform laws" when they completely advocate George Soros' and his $20M funding MoveOn and their actions. Isn't that a good example of hypocrisy?

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 01:48 PM
It is reported here as well...

Proof that Kranish is writing the official campaign book for the DNC...

Proof that Kranish wrote the bogus story...

More to follow... How long are you going to play this charade cureme???

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by kozmo

More to follow... How long are you going to play this charade cureme???

Could you be more specific please? Exactly what charade I'm I playing? That the Swift Vets are going after Kerry the same way they went after McCain? That they are liars? They they are funded by the Republican party? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! Doesn't Google work anymore!

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by curme
That the Swift Vets are going after Kerry the same way they went after McCain? That they are liars? They they are funded by the Republican party? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! Doesn't Google work anymore!

Yes, let's vet this out, shall we...

Who cares if the Swift Boat Vets went after MCCain? What does that have to do with the price of beans in Guam? According to the DNC, Swift Boat Veterans were quickly cobbled together in only the last four months. So which is it? Were they even around to go after McCain, or are you confusing them with someone else? Still it has nothing to do with Kerry. Your attempt to connect the two is a hasty generalization coupled with a straw man.

Secondly, they are liars? Submit your proof! I would rather stake my claim on a group of decorated veterans that have nothing to lose or gain from this over John Kohn who is basing his Presidency on it. In other words, Kerry has the motive to lie, these veterans don't!

That the Republicans funded it? Prove that as well. That, um, would be illegal. Now, if you're going to push that old tripe about some Republican businessman donating $100K to their cause I may have to laught right in your face. After all, didn't George Soros give $20M to the likes of MoveOn to run anti-Bush ads?

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 02:28 PM
I guess we're done here. It seems that neither dong or cureme have any responses. Well, thanks everyone for hanging in there and weighing in on the topic.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 04:34 PM
Kozmo you don't need post on your thread you are very good at starting debating and answering your own threads. In the way you want and you believe.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
I guess we're done here. It seems that neither dong or cureme have any responses. Well, thanks everyone for hanging in there and weighing in on the topic.

Wow, sorry kozmo. I didn't know I had to spent the day monitoring your responses. Please excuse my tardiness. If, after all of the facts, you still want too believe the Swift Vets, please, have fun. Just don't try to sell what they say as anything anyone should listen to. Their message has a very small audience. People who want to confirm what they want to believe is true.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by curme

Just don't try to sell what they say as anything anyone should listen to. Their message has a very small audience. People who want to confirm what they want to believe is true.

Sort of like,, Michael Moore-on,, Al Franken, Link so on, and so on, and so

get a grip.....

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