posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 12:01 AM
heres an economic plan:
1. withdrawl all us forces and close all military bases in the rest of the world.
2. man up the sothern border and create at least 5-10 new bases and let those service men and women and their families pump their incomes into the
local economies.
3, restructure and reform defense contracts
4. restructure and reform medicare,medicaid or combine the two programs into one and start making everyone pay for thier own insurnace.
5. after restructuring and refroming defense,social security,medicare and medicaid cut the waste.
6, following the constitution about taxes must be uniform no matter location or income or population and impliment a fair tax that was always there to
begin with.
7, constitutional ban on governemnt credit and borrowing the only income the government is allowed to have is what is collected from tax revenue of
this country. No Foreign DEBT.
8 restructuring and reformation and salary cuts to every single government personel eliminate government beaucracy where you have a myriad of people
and agencies doing the same jobs.
9. rinse and repeat until the desire effect is achieved.
10. eliminate all lobbyists including corporate and union and any special interest.
thats my 10 step plan
too bad it will never happen